Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
(Joshua 1:9)

Be Strong And Of A Good Courage

Dear Friends,

Greetings! As we write, we are in the midst of yet another ongoing crisis. The year 2013 is certainly turning out to be a year of great change. If you have been a reader of this web site for any length of time you are aware of the multifaceted crisis that has engulfed the world and the greater crisis that looms ahead.

The article below from Forbes “Ingestible, Implantable, or Intimate contact; How Will You Take Your Micro-scale Body Sensors” almost reads like a parody. It is really unbelievable to anyone who knows anything about Bible prophecy and has the minimum amount of discernment that this article is a de facto 'fait accompli', in the minds of probably millions, if not hundreds of millions of people. All part of the ongoing and increasing great deception happening all around us.

This week we have also included two articles “And so it begins: New York government confiscates 'private' records of psychiatrists in chilling Orwellian mental health sweep”, and “San Diego County considers forcing residents to take psychiatric medication under Laura's Law”, and one video dealing with mental health, the State, and psychotropic drugs. It is pretty evident from these articles and video, what some, in authority, have in mind for those who do not comply.

1 Thessalonians 5:6, warns us; “Therefore let us not sleep, as [do] others; but let us watch and be sober.”
 And remember, never fear, and if we are tempted to fear, just set your mind on Jesus and His promises.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3

Have a great week ahead.



Teacher Fired for Bible: NJ Teacher Fired for Giving Bible to Inquisitive Student

By Jessica Rodriguez , Christian Post Contributor

April 12, 2013|2:46 pm

(Photo:Reuters/Shannon Stapleton) - A man holds a bible during church services in this Feb. 18, 2007 file photo.

A teacher has claimed he was fired for giving a Bible to an inquisitive student at at New Jersey school, and has now filed a complaint against the school district for religious discrimination.

Walter Tutka was a long-time substitute teacher in Phillipsburg, NJ but was allegedly dismissed after being found guilty by the school of breaching two policies; distributing religious literature on school grounds, and not being "neutral" when discussing religious material with students.

It has now been reported that Liberty Institute and a New Jersey law firm have filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Office against the Phillipsburg School District.

Attorney for Tutka, Hiram Sasser, has told Fox News: "It is shocking that the school district is forcing Walt to file a complaint with the EEOC for religious discrimination. All Walt did was respond to a student's intellectual curiosity and the school district suspended Walt and then terminated him."

The teacher claims that the case stems from an incident that took place last October when his middle school students were coming into one of the school buildings. Tutka describes that as the students filtered in, one student was behind the others, and as he passed by the teacher quipped to him: "Just remember, son, the first shall be last but the last shall be first."

The line of course was being quoted from the Bible, where it appears numerous times including in Matthew 19:30 and Mark 10:31.

The student passed by into class without saying anything. However, a few days later that same student came to Tutka and asked where that saying had come from. The teacher explained, saying it was from the Bible.

The student then inquired about the verse again on Oct. 12 when Tutka was eating lunch in the school cafeteria . This time Tutka got out his Bible and showed him the verse. He also reportedly asked the student whether he had his own Bible, and when the student responded no, he gave the small pocket-sized Bible over to the student to keep.

Joe Imhof, a friend of Tutka's and a fellow Gideon, has said to Fox: "Walt basically said, 'would you like mine? The student said yes and so Walt gave him his personal New Testament."

The complaint explains that on Oct. 18, Superintendent George Chando informed Tutka that he was recommending the teacher's termination over the incident. Tutka goes on to claim that he was actually fired on Jan. 14, 2013.

Imhof added, "Just because this guy gave a student a pocket New Testament on his lunch hour - that's enough to throw you out of school. They have said tonight, 'God, we don't want you in this school.'"

Imhof also highlighted the apparent restrictive nature of American schools towards freedom of religion, and claims it has a hostility to religion not seen in most other countries: "In most countries overseas we are allowed to go into public schools and give Bibles to students. But since this is America - you can't do it here."

Speaking about his homeland, he added: "When the Soviet Union fell, Bibles were allowed in the schools, people could pray in the schools. It seems we have more persecution in America than they do in Russia."

Tutka's complaint reads: "I believe that I have been discriminated against in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and retaliated against regarding same," according to The Express-Times.

Tutka's pastor, Chris Hussey who leads the Abundant Life Community Church in NJ, has commented to Fox News: "I've never seen something so absurd in my life."

He concluded, "Christianity is under attack in America. It seems our government officials are afraid of Muslims and yet they capitulate to them and any other religious group. But when it comes to Christians - they are completely intolerant of Christians."



Sirius documentary coming soon; claims first coverage of non-human, DNA-sequenced humanoid and advanced free energy technology

Saturday, April 13, 2013

by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) On April 22, the world will have the unique opportunity to hear, perhaps for the first time ever, from some of the world's most in-the-know researchers, scientists, and experts on the subject of extra terrestrials (ETs). Sirius, an upcoming crowd-funded documentary film, premieres on April 22 in Hollywood, Calif., and promises to offer fresh, never-before-revealed insight and testimony into not only the existence of ETs, but also the myriad of secret government research that links their planetary visits to advanced free energy technologies.

Directed by Emmy award-winner Amardeep Kaleka of Neverending Light Productions, Sirius features testimonies from more than 100 government, military and intelligence community witnesses with first-hand exposure to UFOs, ETs, and ET technology. Included among them is the renowned Dr. Steven M. Greer, M.D., father of the so-called "disclosure movement," and head of The Disclosure Project, a research endeavor that claims to be working towards the full disclosure of all facts surrounding UFOs, ET intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems.

The premise of the film maintains that humanity has been visited by so-called inter-stellar civilizations on many occasions, and that beings from these civilizations have utilized advanced energy technologies that far surpass anything humanity has yet discovered in order to get here. And throughout the years, a secret government cabal operating on a global scale has deliberately kept information about these technologies, which have the potential to basically provide free energy for everyone, from the public in order to force humanity to be reliant on heavily-polluting and resource-limited fossil fuel technologies.

"Sirius deals not only with the subject of UFO and ET visitation disclosure but also with the advanced, clean, and alternative energy technology that's getting them here," explains a recent press release about the film. "Sirius goes into eye-opening detail regarding how the disclosure of such technologies, some of which have been suppressed for decades, can enable humanity to leave the age of the polluting petrodollar, transform society and improve mankind's chances for survival."

You can view the full trailer for Sirius (Warning: This version of the trailer contains some adult language) here: link

You can also view the official theatrical trailer, which is a bit shorter in length, here: link



Scientists await new worlds as CERN collider is refitted

By Robert Evans

GENEVA | Thu Apr 11, 2013

(Reuters) - As two yellow-helmeted electricians rise slowly on a hoist from the cavern floor to check cabling on a huge red magnet, CERN scientist Marc Goulette makes clear he sees cosmic significance in their task.

"When this refit is completed," he says, gesturing across the gigantic Large Hadron Collider (LHC), "we shall be ready to explore an entirely new realm of physics."

The collider is only five years old but, after swiftly finding a crucial missing link to support mankind's main concept of the universe, is now entering a two-year revamp to double its power in the hope of breathtaking new discoveries.

Some scientists predict it will help identify the nature of strange dark matter that lurks around planets, stars and galaxies; others that it might find a zoo of new particles or even catch hints that space has more than three dimensions.

Buoyed by the early success, experimental physicists and theorists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research housed on a sprawling campus near Geneva, hope more stunning findings may follow as soon as this decade.

To make this possible hundreds of engineers and technicians are preparing CERN's collider -- a 27-km (17-mile) subterranean complex of machinery and cables.

By 2015, it has to be made ready to double its power and its reach into the microscopic world of elementary particles that emerged from the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.

"It is a giant task," says senior CERN engineer Simon Baird, showing Reuters around the tunnel 100 meters (330 feet) below the Franco-Swiss border at the foot of the Jura mountains.

"Every connection must be checked and reinforced during this shutdown."

Just 10 days after the LHC was first fired up in 2008, a helium leak and resulting explosion in the tunnel caused major damage, and repairs took two years. "We have to be more certain than certain that can't happen again," adds Baird.

Despite the setback, in just over two years of operations -- involving 10,000 specialists around the world analyzing the data its particle collisions produced -- the LHC came up last summer with the long-sought elementary particle, the Higgs boson.

That, explained Canadian physicist Pauline Gagnon, "was the final brick in the edifice of our concept of the universe" -- the three-decade old Standard Model that fits everything known about how particles, at the base of all matter, behave.

"With the LHC power doubled, we will start looking for what we think is out there beyond that model. And we always hope that something will turn up that no-one had ever thought of. The most likely is something totally unexpected."

But among the "known unknowns" to be sought, Gagnon plumps for dark matter -- the invisible stuff that makes up some 27 percent of the universe, six times more than the normal material that reflects light and can be seen from earth or space.

James Wells, a U.S. professor and theoretician at CERN for two years, looks to more exotic versions of the Higgs -- the particle whose associated energy field turned matter to mass after the Big Bang, shaping galaxies -- and life on earth.

Those, he said, "could lead us to supersymmetry" -- a theory, so far unsupported by LHC data, that every elementary particle has an invisible and heavier partner -- "and to up to eight more spatial dimensions".

Oliver Buchmueller, an experimental physicist, also hopes to see proof of supersymmetry -- popularly known among proponents as SUSY -- and of the extra dimensions foreseen in string theory -- the idea that particles are no more than vibrating strings.

Could that take science beyond, into the extension of string theory that predicts the existence of parallel universes or a perpetually growing galaxy of universes, unpenetrable one from the other, that cosmologists call the Multiverse?

"Not in our time," says Wells. "But we humans are amazingly creative. One day, if it exists, we will find a way to prove it."

(Edited by Richard Meares)



Singularity University


Ingestible, Implantable, or Intimate contact; How Will You Take Your Micro-scale Body Sensors

Singularity University Affiliate, Contributor

By George Skidmore, Ph. D., who is a Physicist working in micro machines and nanotechnology.  He is Principal Scientist at DRS Technologies.  He is also Nanotechnology Track Faculty at Singularity University where he discusses the future of ubiquitous small machines.

Computer chips and silicon micromachines are ready for your body.  It's time to decide how you'll take them: implantable, ingestible, or intimate contact.  Every flavor now exists.  Some have FDA approval and some are seeking it.  Others are moving quickly out of the research lab stage.  With the round one Qualcomm Tricorder X-Prize entries due in one year,  we're soon to see a heavy dose of sensors tied to the mobile wireless health revolution.  With these sensors comes a heavy dose of information about your health, data about what medication you are taking and when you took it.  The sensors are available to protect your health, but choosing how to use them and how to protect the privacy of your data will be a matter of personal responsibility. - - Implantable sensors exist for a number of applications, having been used in animals for pet identification for many years.  Other examples under development or seeking FDA approval are glucose detection for control of diabetes, blood pressure monitoring in people with recent cardiac arrest or risk of heart disease, and blood health.  The most recently announced is implanted into animal brains with the long-term goal of enabling  humans with paralysis to control machines with their minds.  These implantable sensors have this in common: they self-contain what is needed to transmit information from inside your body without batteries and without wires.  These are already shown to work; several are now seeking FDA approval.  From the perspective of a patient, this is a Tricorder device, albeit one centered on an implantable micromachine sensor.  If you or your doctor feel your health is at risk, I suspect you'd accept these inside your body.  If your health feels not at risk however, this could be too invasive for your liking, and we'll offer you something one level easier to accept.

Ingestible sensor chips are an idea a little easier for most people to swallow.  Here are three examples.  Camera pills, which pass through your digestive tract taking pictures and transmitting them out are available from Given Imaging.  Available to your doctor, that is.  You may have seen the commercials.  But two other swallowable sensors are now on the scene.  You can find the Internet movies of Lance Armstrong downing the CorTemp thermometer pill from HQInc.  This pill travels through your digestive tract wirelessly transmitting your core body temperature.  Useful for athletes today, and for those with occupational exposure to high temperatures.  Again, this mimics a singly-capable Tricorder device where hand-held electronics receive wireless signals about the temperature inside your body.  A third ingestible, a wireless sensor pill from Proteus Digital Health does something simple, but vitally important: it reports that you've swallowed it.  This first offering from Proteus is a placebo, with silicon computer chip attached.  This pill, coupled to a wearable patch, which is coupled to a smart phone has been discussed in an article here at Forbes/Singularity previously.  When the pill hits your stomach, it transmits to your phone that you took the pill.  Your phone then does whatever you would like with the data; informs your doctor, or informs a trustworthy caregiver.  If Proteus is right, and these sensors become commonplace, exponential growth in digital medicine for compliance monitoring will require as much silicon wafer manufacturing as all computer chips use today. And your phone will be filled with information about when you took your medication.

Many others are fortunate to be on no medication, don't feel their health is at risk, and have little need for the wireless health options mentioned so far.  And many remain leery of what appears invasive, hackable, and scary about implantables and ingestibles.  Our next level of comfort comes with intimate contact sensors, a wireless health option which will soon break out of the research labs.  Two scientific papers of note showed the possibility of stick-on tattoo devices: John Rogers and colleagues at Illinois show several demonstration videos of these epidermal electronics; followed by UC San Diego's sweat pH (acidity) measurement geared towards athletes.  The idea of sensors which simply contact the body is too good not to grow exponentially, and to be the leading path to winning the QTXP (acronym for Qualcomm QCOM -1.04% Tricorder X-Prize).  After all, the Tricorder doesn't require micromachine implants or digital pills (as far as we know).  Traditional medical apparatus which contacts the skin are accepted by most people without question.  Two companies pursuing the QTXP, Scanadu and Medsensation, are publicly showing their approaches based on body contact.  With over 200 competitors, expect to see many variants of wireless implantables, ingestibles, and intimate body contact sensor ideas introduced in the coming year.



The Telegraph

Portugal's elder statesman calls for 'Argentine-style' default

Portugal's leading elder statesman has called on the country to copy Argentina and default on its debt to avert economic collapse, a move that would lead to near certain ejection from the euro.

A protester holds a flare during a demonstration in Lisbon last year Photo: AFP

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

12 Apr 2013

Mario Soares, who steered the country to democracy after the Salazar dictatorship, said all political forces should unite to "bring down the government" and repudiate the austerity policies of the EU-IMF Troika.

"Portugal will never be able to pay its debts, however much it impoverishes itself. If you can't pay, the only solution is not to pay. When Argentina was in crisis it didn't pay. Did anything happen? No, nothing happened," he told Antena 1.

The former socialist premier and president said the Portuguese government has become a servant of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, meekly doing whatever it is told.

"In their eagerness to do the bidding of Senhora Merkel, they have sold everything and ruined this country. In two years this government has destroyed Portugal," he said.

Dario Perkins from Lombard Street Research said a hard-nosed default would force Portugal out of the euro. "It would create incredible animosity," he said. "Germany would be alarmed that other countries might do the same so it would take a very tough line."

Mr Perkins said all the peripheral states are "deeply scared" of being forced out of EMU. "They fear their economies would collapse, which is ridiculous. But in the end voters are going to elect politicians who refuse to along with austerity as we are seeing in Italy, and the EU will lose control," he said.

Raoul Ruparel from Open Europe said Portugal had reached the limits of austerity. "The previous political consensus in parliament has evaporated. As so often in this crisis, the eurozone is coming up against the full force of national democracy."

The rallying cry by Mr Soares comes a week after Portugal's top court ruled that pay and pension cuts for public workers are illegal, forcing premier Pedro Passos Coelho to search for new cuts. The ruling calls into question the government's whole policy "internal devaluation" aimed at lowering labour costs.

A leaked report from the Troika warned that the country is at risk of a debt spiral, with financing needs surging to €15bn by 2015, a third higher than the levels that precipitated the debt crisis in 2011. "There is substantial funding risk," it said.

In a rare piece of good news, eurozone finance ministers agreed on Friday to extend repayment of rescue loans for Portugal and Ireland by a further seven years, reducing the pressure for a swift return to markets.

Brussels said both countries are "still highly vulnerable" to forces beyond their control, and deserve a "strong signal" of support. Critics say it is too little, too late. Fast-moving events on the ground now have a will of their own.


Home View Health

France Discourages Wi-Fi Use in Schools--We Should All Do the Same

by Dr. Stephen Sinatra


As many of you know, I've long been concerned about Wi-Fi radiation in schools. In fact, I'm part of a Canadian coalition called Doctors for Safer Schools. That's an interest that caught my attention years ago while visiting my son Drew in Canada where he introduced me to many people whose children developed health issues in schools since Wi-Fi had been installed. Meanwhile, their symptoms (commonly headaches, lightheadedness, and palpitations), were alleviated on the weekends and during school vacations. This is anecdotal evidence so far, but more research is underway.

Given this background, you can imagine how thrilled I was to hear that France made a move to strongly discourage their states and provinces from allowing Wi-Fi radiation in their schools. They're employing the "precautionary principle," encouraing the use of Ethernet connections until Wi-Fi is proven safe for human consumption. Meanwhile the telecom industry is operating with the assumption that with Wi-Fi there's no proof of harm. Yet, we have a lot of evidence that these frequencies do in fact affect the human body.

We already know, for example, that radiation generated by cell phones penetrates the less protected, and still developing, brain of a child to a much greater degree than it does an adult. We also have research that shows cell phone bases provoke cardiac arrhythmias. Plus, the studies continue to roll in.

To make matters worse, school Wi-Fi systems are industrial strength compared to what we have in our homes: they are so much stronger! Routers mounted in hallways and other locations can blast that signal through as much as 18 inches of cinderblock. But the trouble with home routers is that they're constantly pulsing to keep the signal, exposing us to Wi-Fi radiation 24 hours a day--even when we're sleeping.

So, what can we do to protect ourselves and our families from Wi-Fi radiation?

  • Hardwire your connection: Use an Ethernet cable for your computer connection to avoid EMFs, and disable the built-in Wi-Fi once you have an Ethernet connection. If you're not able to switch to an Ethernet connection, use an extension connection on your Wi-Fi network plug-in to keep it at a better distance from your body.

  • Only turn on your router during periods of actual internet usage, and then turn it off. Plus, walk away from your computer when downloading large of amounts of data on Wi-Fi.

  • Turn cell phone Wi-Fi on only when accessing Wi-Fi. Otherwise, turn it off just as you would when putting it in "airplane mode."

  • Turn laptops off when charging if the built-in Wi-Fi is on. Plus, never use a laptop on your lap, and instead place it on a table away from you. If you are pregnant, shield your baby with a product like Belly Armour.

  • Limit the time you spend in places with Wi-Fi, such as coffee shops. 

  • Be an advocate in your neighborhood--educating your school system about the dangers of Wi-Fi. Plus, make your voice known if mast towers are going up in your neighborhood. These are huge money-makers for the mast tower owners, but the money isn't worth the health risks.

Let's face it, technology is here to stay. Wi-Fi has even climbed aboard airplanes and trains, and there is controversy stirring about the effect it's having on pilots and crews. So, practice Sinatra-Safe Wi-Fi to protect yourself and your family as much as possible--and please share any Wi-Fi tips that you have.

Now it's your turn: Are you concerned about your children's exposure to Wi-Fi?



Why it's better to grow up in Slovenia and Greece than the U.S: Childhood obesity, poor education and homicide rates put America 26th out of 29 nations in survey about best places to raise a child


PUBLISHED: 10 April 2013

Lack of education, cost of healthcare, childhood obesity and teenage pregnancies put the life chances of American children at the bottom of a table of overall well being - far behind those from poorer countries, a damning report has found.

UNICEF ranked the U.S. at the bottom of a league table of the best places to raise a child - below the likes of Slovenia, Greece, Hungary and Slovakia.

Only Lithuania, Latvia and Romania lagged behind.

The table ranks 29 developed countries according to the overall well-being of their children, with each country's overall rank based on its average for the five dimensions of child well-being

Despite being the seventh richest country in the world, the U.S. had some of the worst rates for teenage pregnancies, homicide and childhood obesity.

The overview of child well-being was constructed out of five different dimensions - material well-being, education, health and safety, behaviors and risks and housing and environment.

Factors such as poverty, infant mortality and homicide rates were taken into consideration.

For behaviors and risks, things like teenage pregnancies, smoking cannabis, bullying, obesity and exercise taken were factored in.

The U.S. is one of the only countries with infant mortality rates higher than six per 1,000 births, along with Latvia, Romania and Slovakia, and has one of the lowest birth weight rates of all the countries surveyed.

It also has one of the lowest rates of young people enrolled in education and preschool.

Only Greece and Romania fared worse in overall educational well-being.

America has - by far - the highest rate of children who are overweight by BMI with almost 30 per cent, though it also has one of the highest rates of children aged 11 - 15 who exercise at least one hour a day, coming second only behind Ireland.

The league table of children's material well-being shows each country's performance in relation to the average for the 29 developed countries under review.

Health at birth, child and youth mortality and preventative health services were factors taken into consideration

Preschool participation, further education participation rate, NEET rate, achievement and average score in PISA tests of reading, maths and science literacy were considered.

Teenage pregnancies, bullying, underage drinking and exercise taken were all factored in

The U.S. has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies but one of the lowest levels of underage drinking. 

It also ranks at the bottom of the league in homicide rates with five per 100,000.

The 'low family affluence' rate, the infant mortality rate, and the percentage of young people who smoke cigarettes, for example, have fallen in every single country for which data was made available.

Overall, the Netherlands was ranked first, followed by Norway, Iceland, Finland and Sweden.



US Won't Accept Venezuela Election Result

Posted By Jason Ditz

April 16, 2013

The Obama Administration has announced that they won't accept the results of Venezuela's weekend election, in which President-elect Nicolas Maduro narrowly defeated pro-US candidate Henrique Capriles.

The US State Department says that they want a "full recount" and say it was unacceptable for the National Election Council to certify the result before granting the US the recount it wants.

An anonymous US official conceded that no recount was likely, but said that the US was pretty much obliged to complain about the result so long as Capriles wants a recount.

Capriles has refused to concede defeat and has called public protests. Seven people have been killed in violence related to the protests, and Maduro says he holds the US responsible, believing the US embassy has funded the incidents.



And so it begins: New York government confiscates 'private' records of psychiatrists in chilling Orwellian mental health sweep

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

(NaturalNews) The march to tyranny has picked up fierce momentum in the state of New York, where the criminal Cuomo administration is now issuing subpoenas that demand psychiatrists turn over ALL their records to the state, reports AmmoLand.com.

This is just the first step for the New York government's "HIPAA" committee, whose sole purpose is to "illegally obtain and access the private medical records of potentially millions of NY State Residents."

Regardless of your views on firearms ownership, such actions are absolutely chilling. It puts the government in the position of violating doctor-patient confidentiality for the purpose of the state determining who suffers from "mental health" problems that the state uses to justify almost any action it wishes to take.

This is not a gun rights issue, this is a patient rights issue. If a state government can simply seize all records from all psychiatrists, then it can also use that information to decide whose children to have taken away by CPS... or who to deny the right to vote by having them labeled "mentally incompetent."

The ultimate hypocrisy in all this is that no one is more clinically insane than Cuomo himself, an outright criminal who runs an illegal, unconstitutional, anti-human rights administration engaged in countless crimes against the citizens of New York. (At some point, the rest of the nation needs to take some sort of action to free New Yorkers from the Cuomo tyrant who rules over them like Kim Jong-Un.)

Your conversations with psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists are now monitored by the state

An Orwellian government respects no limits to its power. That's the posture of New York, Connecticut, California and of course the federal government as well. In the name of "safety" and "security," these criminal governments believe they have the right to confiscate all your private records from psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and even doctors.

What this means is that everything you tell a psychiatrist will be seen by the government. All it takes is one off-handed comment like, "I was really depressed over the weekend, I almost felt like I would just be better off dead," to earn a knock on your door and have all your constitutional rights stripped away by the government's tyrannical new "mental health" initiatives.

The "mental health" cover story can be used to vilify almost anyone. Who hasn't felt, at one time or another, depressed enough to consider ending it all? Who hasn't experienced extreme anger toward a boss, a coworker or a family member? The whole point of protecting the confidentiality of therapy sessions is so that patients can feel comfortable sharing intimate details -- even scary details from deep in the human psyche -- that are necessary to find a way to heal and move forward.

That the Cuomo administration feels it has the right to violate the sanctity of doctor-patient confidentiality in its overzealous agenda to disarm law-abiding citizens is yet another sign that this government is being run by criminals who need to be held accountable for their actions.

Yet another reason to oppose gun registration and universal background checks

We should thank Cuomo, however, for giving us all yet another compelling reason to oppose universal background checks (i.e. gun "registration") laws. Thanks to him, it's now clear that the government will use gun registration lists to stalk citizens through their medical records.

Every "list" kept by government will be criminally abused by government. In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting, the Cuomo administration believes it has the right to do absolutely anything it wants, without limitation, and without respecting the rule of law or the rights and freedoms of New York citizens.

We have reached a crescendo of runaway criminal government in America, where all acts of tyranny are now justified by absurd claims of "saving the children."

But the United States Constitution doesn't say:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,

establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common

defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to

ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the

United States of America... unless the government claims to be "saving the children" in which case all the following text is null and void.




San Diego County considers forcing residents to take psychiatric medication under Laura's Law

by: Mike Bundrant

Saturday, April 13, 2013

San Diego County in California is considering implementing Laura's Law, which would give the state's second most populous county - home to over three million people - the uncontested right to force psychiatric medication upon its residents.

Funds for the forced inpatient or outpatient psychiatric incarceration, known as "assisted outpatient treatment" are to be provided by taxpayers. Other bills under consideration would extend Laura's Law to schoolchildren, at the discretion of school administrators.

Laura's Law is heavily supported by law enforcement, the press, the American Psychiatric Association and host of "consumer and family advocate groups." In others words, those who believe the government deserves more control absolutely love Laura's Law. After all, Laura's Law offers those in power the ultimate form of control - over your brain chemistry.

What is Laura's Law?

Laura's Law is an existing state law, passed by the California state legislature in 2002 and signed by Governor Gray Davis. The law makes it possible for anyone to be ordered into psychiatric treatment if determined appropriate by authorities. Non-compliant "patients" are not given a choice, pending involuntary incarceration.

Each county within the state of California has the option of implementing Laura's Law. Los Angeles County implemented it in 2004. San Diego County undertook a 90-day review of the law in March 2013 as it considers implementation.

The law is named for Laura Wilcox, who was shot and killed at the age of 19 by a man with untreated, severe mental illness.

How do you qualify for forced psychiatric treatment under Laura's Law?

Authorities simply determine that you meet the state approved criteria. In California, the criteria are as follows:

Inpatient: (1) Danger to self/others or (2) unable to provide for basic personal needs for food, clothing, or shelter.

Outpatient: Condition likely to substantially deteriorate, unlikely to survive safely in community without supervision, history of noncompliance which includes two hospitalizations in past 36 months or act/threat/attempt of violence to self/others in 48 months immediately preceding petition filing, likely needs to prevent meeting inpatient standard, and likely to benefit from assisted treatment.

Glancing over these standards quickly is dangerous because they are written to appear strict and reasonable. If we break them down, however, you can see that the wildly vague language used is open to broad interpretation.

The bottom line is this: Someone in authority needs to decide that you are a "danger." That's it. Then, they can lock you up and medicate you into oblivion. Case closed.

But wait, it says that you have to have a hard history of hospitalization and violence in order to qualify. Not so! All you need to qualify to lose your physical and mental freedom is, at any time during the last four years, to act/threat/attempt violence to self/others. An "act/threat/attempt" of violence, by the way, could be ANYTHING. Giving someone a dirty look could be interpreted as a threat of violence.

Finally, authorities have put themselves in a position to predict whether or not you are "likely to benefit" from assisted treatment. And the clause, condition likely to substantially deteriorate, suggests that they can take over your life if they feel you may do something wrong in the future.

I recently spoke with Sophie Faught at MindFreedom International about Laura's Law. MindFreedom International is a true patient rights advocacy group that believes in mental health freedom. Sophie said the following:

For over 25 years, we at MindFreedom have argued for VOICE and CHOICE in mental health care. We're against force in mental health care because it's simply not therapeutic. When you're suffering from mental or emotional distress, the last thing you need is to have a technology you don't believe in forced on you. Rather,you need to feel safe and loved by your fellow human beings. It's that human connection, which can be found in peer support and compassionate care, that helps you find the meaning in your experience and your path to a better mental/emotional place.

Many of our members describe the practice of forced drugging as dehumanizing, invasive, violent, and downright TRAUMATIZING. Because trauma is so often a contributing factor to mental/emotional distress, our first goal should be to provide care that does not exacerbate old traumas or create new ones. Forced drugging cannot possibly meet that goal -- many psychiatric survivors spend years coming to terms with the violence and violation of that kind of an act.

Forcibly injecting another human being with a mind-altering chemical cannot be considered therapeutic under any circumstances, but it's especially shocking to think of doing this to a person in his own home, the place (above all others), where he expects privacy, self-determination, and safety. What psychiatry says through this act is: "There is only a narrow spectrum of thoughts and emotions that are acceptable, EVEN IN YOUR OWN HOME, EVEN IN YOUR OWN MIND."

Why limit mankind? Why stop these journeys into the inner world of thoughts and feelings? What incredible discoveries do we -- as individuals and as a society -- miss in the process?

MindFreedom International will always oppose legislation like Laura's Law because we believe that there must be safe spaces for extreme thoughts and emotions. Mankind has much to learn from these experiences. They are a difficult but necessary part of the healing path.

Psychiatry has no answer to gun massacres

As much as our hearts go out to those who have suffered and lost loved ones to the violent and unpredictable acts of others, we need to face the hard truth.

Violence is not predictable.

Psychiatry does not have the answer.

Psychiatric medication does not prevent violence.

Stealing freedom and medically torturing innocent people will do nothing to protect anyone. The problem of violence will remain unsolved. The state will continue to gain unprecedented power and an easier path to implement that power. The freedom of the people will continue to vanish.

Peter Breggin, MD has the following to say about psychiatric approaches to violent behavior:

The most devastating recent shooters were all involved with psychiatric treatment and evaluation, and it did not prevent their violence. In some cases, it undoubtedly increased it.

On the possibility of identifying violent people and preventing violent acts, Dr. Breggin said:

So many people harbor feelings of violence, and so few perpetrate them, that it is impossible to screen society for violent individuals without untold numbers of "false positives." In a general psychiatric practice such as my own, a number of patients will be struggling to control their violent feelings and usually a few will have acted aggressively or violently in the past. Within society as a whole, there will be thousands of "suspicious-looking" people locked up and drugged for every genuine threat.

Read Dr. Breggin's full commentary on psychiatry and gun massacres here. For an amazing interview with Dr. Breggin about the violent, death-camp style history of psychiatry, listen to the March 13, 2013 episode of Mental Health Exposed. If you think psychiatry is rooted in a desire to help people heal, think again! These are the folks we are empowering with Laura's Law! Ice pick lobotomy anyone?

There you have it. States like California are using devastating acts of violence to icrease their power with "solutions" that do NOTHING more than steal freedom from innocent people.

Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.




9 Slightly Crazy Things That Might Make You Wildly Productive

By Marla Tabaka, Inc.

April 15, 2013 -

The other day during a grueling seven-hour car ride, I found myself feeling the stress of fatigue, impatience, and boredom. Suddenly, my dog, Riley, yawned with an outrageously funny expression of his own boredom. The sound was remarkably human and not one I'd heard before; it made me laugh so hard that it brought tears to my eyes.

Instantly, I had more energy. I felt more optimistic about the day ahead and, with the stress removed, I suddenly remembered that I had brought along an audio book that would surely cure my boredom. I was also reminded of some research I'd read.

In short, it said that the act of smiling has the power to subtly alter one's brain chemistry. Feelings of happiness have an even greater impact on the brain chemistry. We know that happy people are healthier than unhappy people--and an improved mood leads to an ability to think and act more quickly.

Think of your brain as a brilliant chemist; more than 100,000 chemical reactions go on in your brain every second. When the brain produces the neurotransmitter known as serotonin, tension is eased. When it produces dopamine or norepinephrine, you are able to focus and take action, resulting in higher levels of productivity.

We also know that changing our physiology releases these "feel good drugs," affecting our mood and energy almost instantly. The trick is to change your negative body language (frowning, slumping, clenching of the jaw, shoulders up to the ears) and replace it with positive, empowering, joyful actions. Simple things like acting silly, laughing, reciting affirmations and doing a few jumping jacks can change your state immediately.

But it's not always easy to convince yourself to step away from the stress and do a little jig to release happy hormones from your brain. It takes discipline and lots of previous, positive experience with a process to make it a habit. So start small, like I did. Since that car ride, I've been practicing the power of a simple smile. When you put a smile on your face, all of the muscles on your face respond. Your eyes brighten, facial muscles loosen and the brow becomes smooth and relaxed. Even your thoughts may change.

The goal is to break your current, negative state by disrupting it with something that will "shock" your internal chemist into action. Here are a few things I suggest you try to jump-start your productivity by adding some positivity. I admit a lot of them might make you look like a crazy person, but, in the pursuit of productivity, I'm willing to try anything.

1. Smile at strangers. Step away from your stressful environment for a 20-minute walk. Smile at the people you meet along the way. You will more than make up for the time with your increased productivity levels when you return.

2. Bust a move. Put on some great dance music and have a little 5-minute party! That's right, just dance. You don't even need a partner!

3. Fire up the YouTube. Find a favorite funny video on YouTube and take a laughter break. Cute cat videos have been shown to help as well. (Not kidding.)

4. Talk to yourself. This sounds nuts, but take a cue from old-school motivational speakers and books: Pace around the room reciting empowering affirmations in a positive, confident tone of voice and great posture.

5. Belt it out. Sing to your animals or children--just be silly and let them in on the fun!

6. Get physical. Do a series of jumping jacks with a big smile on your face. (Bonus: 100 jumping jacks is said to burn 100 calories. Have a snack!)

7. Dial a friend. Pick up the phone and cheer up someone's day with an "I love you!"

8. Hoot and holler. Just let out a simple "woo-hoo!" and think about a goal or future event that really charges you up.

9. Do a Julie Andrews. Think of one or two things that you are deeply grateful for and allow the thoughts to bring a smile of gratitude to your face. (You should think of a few of your favorite things several times a day anyway!)


Until next week...keep on believing.

Almondtree Productions

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
(Proverbs 17:22)