For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.”
(Luke 12:2)

Researchers Say 3D Scans Will Reveal Noah’s Ark Is Buried in Turkish Mountains

Adam and Eve Are Possible: A Second Bite at the Genetic Apple

If Tom Horn Is Correct On This, The Ramifications Could Not Be Higher. And Trump Is Connected?

Is the Chief Demon of Chaos Coming to Attack the World in April 2029?

LATEST NEWS“A Children’s Book of Demons” Teaches Children How to Summon Demons

Mastema – The ‘Persecutor’ of God

Reciprocal affection between pope and Buddhist Supreme Patriarch of Thailand

Could the Pope-Sanctioned Worship of Pachamama be a Sign of the End Times?

Church of Sweden unveils altarpiece of paradise featuring gay couples and transgender serpent-“Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator. Romans" 1:25

Sweden’s sexualized LGBT church altar is not ‘inclusive,’ it’s driving people away from modern Christianity

And Greta Thunberg Shall Lead?

New Evidence Revealed About Stone from Breastplate of Temple Priest Hidden in South Africa

Over 200 Israeli Rabbis Sign Letter Thanking Trump for “Fulfilling Prophecy of Jeremiah”

France Passes Resolution Classifying Hatred of Israel as Anti-Semitism

Digital immortality: Transhumanism may hold key to eternal life, along with multiple caveats & ethical dilemmas

The Federal Reserve is looking into developing a digital currency in the US, Powell confirms

Angela Merkel says: we have to take away your freedom of speech, or else society won’t be free.


China’s Schoolchildren Are Now the Smartest in the World

Massive union strike shuts down transportation across France amid growing anger over Macron’s pension reform (PHOTOS)

Cartel and police gun battle leaves 21 dead, including four cops, and a Mexican town full of bullet holes less than 50 miles from the US border

Debt Bubble to End All Bubbles – Michael Snyder

Britain's First Transgender Couple to Allow Their 5-Year-Old Child To Begin Transition


The Gift of Children: A Call to Love, Sacrifice, and Hope

The paradox which is Africa: The crippling drought in the south which is drying up the world-famous Victoria Falls': While unprecedented rainfall kills hundreds further north

Curiosity Rover Anomalies for 2018

Husband and wife die 33 hours apart after 68 years of marriage: 'It's hard to imagine it's a coincidence'

Killer Cosmetics: Study Finds Nine In Ten Makeup Products House Deadly Superbugs

Essential Reasons Why Hydrogen Peroxide Belongs in Every Home (Video)


Until next week...keep on believing.
Almondtree Productions

Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.”
(John 15:3)