Where wast thou when I founded the earth? tell me now, if thou hast knowledge, who set the measures of it, if thou knowest? or who stretched a line upon it? On what are its rings fastened? and who is he that laid the corner-stone upon it?”

(Job 38:4-6)
On what are its rings fastened?


The Bible Is Banned’ – China Shuts Down Churches, Threatens Christians

Heavily-armed soldiers, violence, sky-high prices, a Santa Claus gender war & no mention of the Nativity… Merry Christmas, Europe!

German bishops declare homosexuality is 'normal' as the country's church begins controversial review of its teachings on sexual morality

What Is This New ‘Messiah’ Series on Netflix All About?

Netflix streams blasphemous ‘Christmas’ video depicting gay Jesus, adulterous Virgin Mary

Netflix movie showing Jesus as a gay man slammed by Texas bishop as 'blasphemy'

Jewish prayer has returned to the Temple Mount – exclusive

Russia, UN, Syria Rebuild Pagan Temple of Baal in Palmyra: Third Pre-Messiah Gateway

Boris Johnson to pass anti-BDS law, official says

Earth's magnetic north is shifting at an 'unprecedented' rate of 30 miles a year - throwing satellite positioning data and navigation systems off course

Wild Theories Pour In as UFO Hunter Claims Spike in Sightings of ‘Snake-Like Objects’ in US Skies-Joel 2:30?

A Ticking Time Bomb Is Sitting Off Of America's West Coast That Scientists Can't Explain: Staggering Number Of 'Mass Animal Death' Events Worldwide The Past 8 Years

Bushfire backfire: Australian firefighters warn of ‘mega blaze’ as country faces another heatwave (VIDEOS)

Aussie bushfire update! Incredible footage, 70m flames confront firefighters: Bushfires blazing out of control on opposite sides of the continent: Homes threatened in both Sydney and Perth

Cricket Balls of Ice Destroy Parts of Gympie, Queensland (Video)

New policy could allow doctors to euthanize Alzheimer's patients without their active consent

Who's Afraid Of Johnson's Big Brexit Win?

Ripping the heart out of Labour’s heartlands: How Johnson snatched working-class towns from under Corbyn’s nose

Nigel Farage’s Gamble Pays Off: Corbyn’s Labour Destroyed


Until next time...keep on believing.
Almondtree Productions

Our soul waits on the Lord; for he is our helper and defender. For our heart shall rejoice in him, and we have hoped in his holy name.”
(Psalm 33:20-21)