And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, [saying,] In thee shall all nations be blessed.”
(Galatians 3:8)

Gospel Unto Abraham

Dear Friends,

Several years ago, while living in Peru, I got into a conversation with a local Peruvian. In the typical course of conversation, while exchanging pleasantries, he asked my country of origin to which I replied 'America', being originally from the USA.
It was a bit of a surprise when he replied that he was also from America; South America. This got me thinking.

Ever since that encounter, if asked my country of origin, I have answered with the US, USA, or the States.
In the modern state of Israel Jewish lineage is determined through the blood line of the mothers. This is contrary to virtually every major civilization and certainly contrary to blood lines in the Old Testament which was always established through the father. It was always without exception a patriarchal determination to lineage.
For several years this puzzled me. Why did the modern state of Israel determine linage through the blood line of the mother?
One day while not really thinking about this conundrum a possible explanation struck me. We have to go back to Genesis sixteen to help look for the answer.
“ Now Sarai Abram’s wife bare him no children: and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name [was] Hagar. And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai. And Sarai Abram’s wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife. And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived." Genesis 16:1-4
This is a fairly well known story. Hagar conceived and brought forth Ishmael, whom we know from reading Genesis became father of the Arabs and the Arab nations. (Abraham and Sara are buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron south of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. It is venerated by both the Jews and Arabs.)
The story continues with Sara eventually conceiving and baring Isaac. Isaac and Rebecca bore Jacob, and Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, went on to bare twelve sons which in turn became the twelve tribes of Israel.
What is certain is that Abraham was the father of both the Jews and the Arabs which would make them both Semites.
Now, if the blood line was to be traced through the mother, that is Sara, that would exclude the Arabs from the linage of Abraham, himself an offspring of Shem, and thus the Semites.
Could this be the reason for the possible reversal of bloodlines in the modern state of Israel. If this is correct it begs the question, who is a physical Jew?

We trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.” 1 Timothy 4:10
It may be interesting to note that the Keraites, who are Torah only Jews, continue to trace the bloodline through the father.
Have a great week ahead!


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Biblical signs expert Mark Biltz explains what it could herald

January 22, 2018

Blood moons and eclipses have come and gone. But the signs of the times are getting more ominous than ever.

As if the total solar eclipse last August and the “blood moons” of 2014 and 2015 weren’t enough, there will be a “super blue blood moon eclipse” on Jan. 31 – something that hasn’t happened for 150 years.

And this rare event could herald war and turbulence on earth, according to a leading researcher of astronomical signs and how they interact with Scripture.

Rather than just looking skyward, Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries, the man who discovered the “Blood Moons” phenomenon, says people need to be looking to their Bibles.

“Many people seem to be overlooking the real importance of this event,” Biltz told WND. “The ‘super moon’ which takes place on January 31 is what is termed a ‘blue moon,’ because it is the second full moon in one month. It’s also going to be a total lunar eclipse, making it a ‘blood moon’ as well. This is the first time there’s been a total eclipse for a blue moon in 150 years, which makes it remarkable enough.

“But what makes this truly mind blowing is when this will happen biblically! The eclipse will take place on Tu B’Shevat on the biblical calendar, the fifteenth day of the month of Shevat. This is important because this upcoming eclipse is only one of a series. The next one is on July 27, which is Tu B’Av or the fifteenth of Av on the biblical calendar. The next one is January 21, 2019 – which just so happens to be Tu B’Shevat again!”

Biltz, author of “God’s Day Timer,” stresses he is not saying anything will happen on Jan. 31, the date of this blood moon. However, he argues the specific dates involved show God is sending an important message.

“These are very significant biblical dates, and now we have two blood red moons bookending each other in 2018 and 2019 on Tu B’Shevat,” he said. “This is fascinating prophetically because there is a section of Scripture in which Zechariah receives a revelation of a red horse being given a great sword to take peace from the Earth. And this takes place in the month of Shevat!”

The relevant section of the Bible, Zechariah 1: 7-8, reads:

aUpon the four and twentieth day of the eleventh month, which is the month Sebat, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the Lordunto Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet, saying,

I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom; and behind him were there red horses, speckled, and white.

“Not surprisingly, Zechariah asks what this is all about, and he receives some incredible insight from an angel who is nearby,” Biltz explained. In verse 12, we are told, “Then the angel of the Lord answered and said, O Lord of hosts, how long wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years?”

Biltz argues this message is of key importance for people alive today.

“Do you see the amazing pattern?” he asked. “The vision of the horses are of the four horses from Revelation. And this vision takes place at the end of a 70-year period (three score and ten) which is given to Israel. Israel is now celebrating its seventieth anniversary.”

He also argues the mention of the “second year of Darius” is also of critical importance, as the second year of President Trump’s administration approaches. As head of the world’s most powerful nation, Trump can substitute for Darius in contemporary prophetic terms.

“What this suggests is the red horse of war being unleashed very soon, and these moons heralding its arrival,” he said. “Again, I’m not predicting anything will happen on the day of the moon itself. Instead, I would look for war to break out between the two blood moons which take place a year apart on Tu B’Shevat. More than ever, it’s important for Christians to get on God’s calendar, the biblical calendar, and learn to interpret the signs of the times. It’s not just about what is happening in the sky, it is about when it is happening. And the correlation between this ‘super blue blood moon’ and historic events in the Middle East lining up with specific dates listed in Scripture should make all believers to get right with the Lord as soon as they can.”

(“He made the moon also to serve in her season for a declaration of times, and a sign of the world. From the moon is the sign of feasts, a light that decreaseth in her perfection. The month is called after her name, increasing wonderfully in her changing, being an instrument of the armies above, shining in the firmament of heaven; The beauty of heaven, the glory of the stars, an ornament giving light in the highest places of the Lord.” Sirach 43:6-9)



Macron says he won’t recognize Palestine in response to Trump’s Jerusalem move

Ahead of meeting with Netanyahu, president reaffirms France's position of Jerusalem as capital of 'both sides' in final deal


January 24, 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) meets with French President Emmanuel Macron, at the World Economic Forum in Davos on January 24, 2018. (GPO)

DAVOS, Switzerland — French President Emmanuel Macron said Wednesday that he would not recognize Palestine as an independent state as a reaction to US President Donald Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

“I will not take any decision in reaction to any decision,” Macron told reporters in response to a Times of Israel question on the potential recognition of a Palestinian state.

The comments came during a photo op with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, ahead of their closed-door meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The meeting lasted nearly an hour.

Several European nations, including Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, and Slovenia, are reportedly mulling recognizing an independent Palestine in response to Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem. The Slovenian foreign minister has already confirmed his country’s intention.

Macron began his statement by saying bluntly, “What we have to do is we have to work fairly on a peace process in the short run.”

Macron said he wanted to “accompany and facilitate” the two sides in a peace process, but added that France’s positions on the end result of such talks had not changed.

“Our philosophy is very clear from the very beginning, with recognition of two states. Jerusalem will be the capital of two sides and common frontiers recognized according to international rule,” he said in English.

Macron went on to emphasize again that a decision to recognize an independent Palestine will not be a reaction “following some other decision,” apparently referring to Trump’s December 6 proclamation.

The French president then touted his relationship with Netanyahu, saying he saw as crucial Paris’s ability to be a “partner for the security of Israel and also to be a strategic partner for the whole region with you,” he said, looking at Netanyahu.

The prime minister responded that “this is definitely true,” adding that Israel’s partnership with France “is also important for the security of Europe.”

Just last week, Channel 10 reported that Macron dispatched his foreign policy adviser to a secret visit in Ramallah, where the latter implored Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbass not to rule out a peace plan being prepared by the Trump administration.

“Don’t reject Trump’s peace plan off the bat,” Channel 10 quoted Lechevallier as telling Palestinian officials. “Give it a chance.”

Abbas met with Macron last month in Paris, where he rejected any role in a US peace process.

During talks last month, Netanyahu reportedly told the French president that he would be prepared to make “compromises and concessions” to the Palestinians, within the framework of Trump’s plan.

The separate Channel 10 report, which quoted unnamed senior European diplomats familiar with the content of the two men’s discussions, was denied by the Prime Minister’s Office.

The TV channel said Macron’s efforts to reassure Abbas have been coordinated with Trump, and the two leaders speaking by phone multiple times in recent weeks.



Harassment of Messianic Jews’ Center in Israel Begins Anew

Meeting place had temporarily closed after last year’s attacks.

January 26, By the Editor

(Morning Star News) – After opposition shut down a meeting center for Messianic Jews in southern Israel last May, ultra-Orthodox Jews are harassing it again since it re-opened this month, sources said.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews protested the presence of the center in Dimona, Israel on Tuesday (Jan. 23) and threatened some of the Messianic Jews, followers of Jesus, according to advocacy group Middle East Concern (MEC).

“Protests have taken place the last two weeks after the reopening of the center at the beginning of January,” according to a MEC press statement.

The center, where Messianic Jews meet for conversation, coffee and tea, had been temporarily closed last year due to protests by ultra-Orthodox Jews on May 4, 2017, after which they damaged Messianic Jewish leaders’ homes, breaking windows and traumatizing two children inside one home, one of the leaders told Messianic news outlet Kehila News Israel.

“Because we bent down at the right moment, we were not hit by stones thrown at us,” Albert Knoester, elder at a Messianic congregation in Beersheba, said of last year’s attacks in an interview published by Kehila News Israel. “Apart from this damage, there was also psychological trauma to one of the families in Dimona, due to the demonstrations and also because their house was damaged by stones. But also through bullying, etc., their two young daughters were traumatized by what had happened, and they needed psychological help.”

Knoester, of Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua’s Inheritance) congregation, said that not long after protestors secretly filmed the Messianic Jews at a Town Hall meeting last year, demonstrators including members of the ultra-Orthodox Yad L’Achim showed up at his and house and did more damage, including smashing windows.

Those incidents, however, led to townsfolk on the street inviting them for drinks to talk, he told Kehila News.

“Quite a number of ‘ordinary people’ are feeling ashamed of what is being done to us,” he told Kehila News. “We receive invitations from people to come over and have a coffee with them. We had at least six times an opportunity to explain to a rabbi why we believe that Jesus is the Messiah – as a result of the question to us, ‘Why do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah?’”

Local media have misrepresented the center as a “mission post,” and false reports including accusations of bribery for conversion to Christianity have also led Jews to talk with them, he told the news outlet. A group of rabbis showed up to interrogate them, he said, and when his wife Esther responded with verses from Psalm 23, they agreed to temporarily close the center while continuing to discuss what place the “Open House” should have in the community.

“One day later,” he told Kehila News, “one of the rabbis wrote in a local newspaper: ‘We went to that house in order to silence them by force, but that woman would not stop talking! She should know about that other verse of Psalm 23: about the valley of the shadow of death. Let her go through it, together with her husband.’”

In the following days local media began a slander campaign, he said. Besides the bribery accusation – that they would offer a car in exchange for converting to Christianity – they were accused of putting a powder in people’s coffee “to change Jews into Christians,” and of coercing Jews to convert by force, he told the news outlet.

“Because they are unable to charge us, and unable to find anything against us, another weapon is used instead: lies, gossip, changing facts and blackmail,” he told Kehila News. “There are pictures of us in the city center with severe warnings. Also, big posters on billboards with nasty texts have been put up. The people are warned to watch out and protect their children against us.”



From pilgrimage to exodus: Is the end nigh for Palestinian Christians?

By Ian Lee, CNN

January 22, 2018

Bethlehem (CNN)A church service begins in Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity.

Worshipers descend the stone stairs, worn smooth by millions of pilgrims over the centuries, down into the Grotto -- the spot Christians believe Jesus was born.

Incense fills the small stone room, which is noticeably warmed by the multitude of candles.

The Armenian Church Service inside the Grotto at the Church of the Nativity.

An Armenian Apostolic priest begins to perform sacred rituals as ancient prayers reverberate in harmony.

Upstairs in a different room, dozens of Greek Orthodox worshipers receive the holy sacrament. And in the next room over, a Catholic congregation sings hymns of peace.

All three denominations share the birthplace of Jesus. After the final prayer, local Christians depart to greet each other as they have for centuries. They are proud to be descendants of the first Christians. The diverse community has stuck it out through war, famine, and disease.

Latin Church Sunday prayer taking place inside the Church of the Nativity.

The question now, say Christian leaders, is whether their Palestinian community can survive Israel's decades-long occupation. Their fear is that the current exodus of Christians from the region could leave the land without a living church.

"Our biggest challenge is to keep them here," says Father Rami Askarian. "You need to build a government, a country, an identity for the people. We pray for that to have peace in this country."

Preparations are made for the Armenian Church Sunday service inside the Grotto at the Church of the Nativity.

Father Askarian fears his flock could be reduced to tourists and pilgrims in a couple of generations. And many church leaders say recent American foreign policy is only making things worse.

When US President Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in a short speech at the White House last month, the presence of his Vice President Mike Pence, standing just behind his right shoulder, was much remarked upon.

That's because Pence is an evangelical Christian, a member of a community which has long pushed hard for the United States to make this declaration.

But for leaders of the Christian church in the city itself, the announcement was met with dismay.

'Increase hatred'

In December, amid reports Trump was planning to change Jerusalem's status, thirteen church leaders from 13 denominations signed an open letter warning of "irreparable harm" to the Holy City if the US implemented the change.

"Mr. President, we have been following, with concern, the reports about the possibility of changing how the United States understands and deals with the status of Jerusalem," read the statement they issued.

"We are certain that such steps will yield increased hatred, conflict, violence and suffering in Jerusalem and the Holy Land, moving us farther from the goal of unity and deeper toward destructive division. We ask from you Mr. President to help us all walk towards more love and a definitive peace, which cannot be reached without Jerusalem being for all."

Before Trump's declaration, Pence was already planning a trip to the Middle East, to take place just before Christmas. Part of his agenda, he said, would be to help embattled local Christians, and focus on relief efforts for persecuted religious minorities.

But after Trump made his Jerusalem announcement, local church leaders changed their minds, and canceled their meetings with him.

A vote on tax reform in the US Congress moved Pence's office to announce that his trip would be delayed until January.

'Our fear is from America'

There is no denying that Christians around the Middle East face the risk of persecution. The terror group, ISIS, has killed many Christians, as well as Muslims, in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Libya. In many Middle East countries, Christians are not granted equal rights to Muslims.

So, it is arresting to hear one of Jerusalem's highest-ranking Christian figures declare that the most pressing threat facing Christians in the Middle East is not from a terror group, but rather the White House.

The former Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, 84-year old Michel Sabbah, says it was the destabilization of the region, resulting from the war in Iraq in 2003, that led to the increase in persecution of Christians from groups like ISIS.

"Our fear is not from our people, from Muslims. Our fear is from America," Sabbah tells CNN. "If [Trump] wants to defend Christians in the Middle East, he has to start [by] changing American policy in the Middle East: to [begin] a new vision of politics, built on life and ... not more death or destruction."

Driving away Christians from the Holy Land, say local clergy, is the perceived preferential treatment the US shows toward Israel, and the occupation of Palestinian lands, which means restrictions on the lives, movements, and opportunities of Palestinian Christians, as well as Muslims.

Israel, which blames Palestinian leaders for the failure of the peace process and says security considerations necessitate its ongoing military presence in the West Bank, says its record on Christianity is exemplary.

'We want to raise our kids'

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his case recently in a Christmas message, arguing that Israel's Christians enjoy equal opportunities.

"I'm proud that Israel is a country [where] not only do Christians survive but they thrive because we believe in this friendship among people and we protect the rights of everyone to worship in the holy shrines [of their various religions]," Netanyahu said in the video message.

Morin Butto, a Catholic from Bethlehem, sees things differently, and worries that young people are increasingly looking abroad for a better life.

"Sometimes we feel like we can't do [anything]. We just keep hanging onto our land," she says. "We want to raise our kids here, [but] most of our relatives have left the country [because of] this political situation."

Sabbah has a piece of advice to the visiting Vice President on how he can help the Holy Land's Christians.

"American policy must change in the Middle East," says Sabbah. "If truly the American administration is Christian, go back to the commandment of love. You love Israel. That's very good. But you [should also] love the Palestinians if you're Christian. Jesus said, love everyone."


The Telegraph

Dead Sea Scrolls manuscript pieced together and deciphered

A worker of the Israeli Antiquity Authority sews fragments of the Dead Sea scrolls which includes biblical verses in a preservation laboratory of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem CREDIT: MOMENT MOBILE ED

By Our Foreign Staff

January 22, 2018
Israeli scholars have pieced together and deciphered one of two previously unread manuscripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls more than half a century after their discovery, an Israeli university has said.

The more than 60 tiny fragments of parchment bearing encrypted Hebrew writing had previously been thought to come from a variety of different scrolls, a Haifa University spokesman said.

But Eshbal Ratson and Jonathan Ben-Dov of the university's Bible studies department found the pieces all fit together after they started examining them just under a year ago, Ilan Yavelberg said.

"They put it all together and said it was actually one scroll," he said.

A Haifa University statement said that Ratson and Ben-Dov were now working on deciphering the last remaining scroll.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, which include the oldest known manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible, date from the 3rd century BC to the 1st century AD.
Numbering around 900, they were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in the Qumran caves above the Dead Sea.

The parchment and papyrus scrolls contain Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic writing, and include several of the earliest-known texts from the Bible, including the oldest surviving copy of the Ten Commandments.

Many experts believe the manuscripts of the Dead Sea were written by the Essenes, a dissident Jewish sect that had retreated into the Judaean desert around Qumran and its caves.

The latest deciphered scroll contains references to the 364-day calendar used by the sect, as opposed to the lunar calendar used in Jewish religious practice today.

It also refers to annual wine and olive harvest festivals no longer observed in Judaism.

Baptist Press

Scientists' gender findings said to confirm Bible

By David Roach, posted

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

NASHVILLE (BP) -- Scientists' claim that a researcher's sex can affect the outcome of experiments has been cited as corroboration of biblical teaching on gender.

According to a Jan. 10 article in the journal Science Advances, volunteers for experiments as diverse as intelligence tests and pain sensitivity studies have been found to respond differently when they are dealing with a researcher of the opposite gender. At times, those gender-based differences have skewed the outcome of experiments, wrote a team of neuroscientists led by Colin Chapman.

Colin Smothers, executive director of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, told Baptist Press, "While the world may be surprised that 'a scientist's gender can skew research results,' Christians shouldn't be."

"The Bible clearly teaches that God's design for humanity includes creating us male or female (Gen 1:27). Our gender -- which in the biblical worldview cannot be separated from our biological sex -- is not accidental, as if it is merely how we are," Smothers said in written comments. "Instead, the Bible teaches that our gender is essential to who we are as divine image bearers.

"We are not unsexed souls trapped in sexed bodies -- an ancient gnostic heresy. But instead Christian doctrine affirms that God creates us as a psychosomatic unity; we are both body and soul. And who we are as male and female has implications for how we are in the world -- whether we are aware of it or not, as [Chapman's research] so aptly demonstrates."

Chapman told NPR his own testing of a nasal spray to help curb appetite may have been affected by gender when airborne hormones produced by researchers and subjects interacted.

IQ tests also have been affected by gender, Chapmen said, noting, "If you have a female experimenter with a male student, for instance, you're going to see higher IQ scores." And in pain research, a heterosexual man generally reports more pain to a male researcher than to a female researcher, he said.

Speculating on the cause of this phenomenon, Chapman and his coauthors wrote in Science Advances that a person of the opposite gender provides valuable "feedback" on social and sexual attractiveness, which "generally cannot be obtained from same-gender interactions." Even when no romantic relationship is being sought, the desire for and response to positive opposite-gender feedback affects research subjects' minds, bodies and behaviors, the researchers theorized.

The journal article advocates "reporting and controlling for experimenter gender in future research."

Smothers said scientists shouldn't be surprised that gender affects social interaction because the New Testament drew the same conclusion 2,000 years ago.

"These gender-specific implications are one reason why, for instance, we find Paul giving gender-specific instructions to the church in 1 Timothy 2 and Titus 2," Smothers said.

"While some of Paul's instruction to men and women certainly overlaps -- a reality that points to the fundamental equality and similarity of the sexes ... -- the fact that Paul instructs men and women differently reveals that he recognized fundamental differences as well, differences that affect how men and women live in the world," Smothers said.

"Insofar as we continue to downplay or try to erase these differences in society and in the church," Smothers said, "we are chafing against God's design as revealed in nature and in Scripture."


Church of England Sneaks Transgender ‘Re-Baptism’ into Liturgy

The Church of England has rejected a proposal for a new service to mark a congregant’s sex change – but has given the nod to using an existing ‘reaffirmation’ baptism service, instead.

The decision by the Anglican House of Bishops to reject proposals for the development of a new special service to mark gender transitions was criticised by LGBT activists within the church.

The ruling, revealed on Sunday, comes after the General Synod voted overwhelmingly in favour of introducing such church services in July.

Though the House of Bishops rejects the writing of a new service, it advises clergy that they may use an existing rite used to reaffirm a Christian’s faith, the “Affirmation of Baptismal Faith”, to mark gender transitions.

The Bishop of Norwich, the Right Reverend Graham James, said: “The Church of England welcomes transgender people and wholeheartedly wishes for them to be included in the life of the Church.

“On the matter of whether a new service is needed, the House of Bishops has decided that the current service that is used to affirm baptism can be adapted.

“Clergy always have the discretion to compose and say prayers with people as they see fit,” the Right Reverend added.

The statement prepared by the Church of England, the mother church of the international Anglican Communion, added that new guidance will be prepared on the use of the existing ‘affirmation’ baptism service.

William Nye, Secretary General of the Church’s parliament, the General Synod, claimed that “the focal point of this [affirmation] service is on the individual’s faith in Jesus Christ, rather than on the individual’s name or gender – regardless of whether or not it was different from when they were baptised.”

However, this concession on Biblical teaching failed to move the progressive faction of the church, with a senior member of the left-liberal General Synod telling the Mail on Sunday: “I am surprised that they have decided that new liturgies weren’t necessary given the force of the arguments and the feeling of Synod. You need to be able to respond to people’s life events.

“We do with birth and marriage and death. When you claim a new identity, that seems to me to be as powerful.”

The English Protestant church has been criticised by conservative Christians for its progressive abandonment of Biblical teaching and for bowing to pressure from the transgender lobby.

In November, the Church of England said schools should encourage young children to experiment with their “gender identity” in its guidance on bullying, writing: “Children should be at liberty to explore the possibilities of who they might be without judgment or derision.”

Church of England bishops are working on a major “teaching document”, to be released in 2020, on same-sex marriage, according to The Christian Post.


The Telegraph

Indian education minister dismisses theory of evolution because no-one 'ever saw an ape turning into a man'

Satyapal Singh, MP for Baghpat, said Darwinism is a myth CREDIT: PUNIT PARANJPE/AFP

By Saptarshi Ray, new delhi

January 21, 2018

A junior education minister has been accused of pandering to religious hardliners after dismissing Darwinism as a myth because nobody had witnessed the literal process of ape turning into man.

Satyapal Singh, MP for Baghpat in the state of Uttar Pradesh, and a former Mumbai police commissioner, challenged the idea that Charles Darwin’s writings on evolution should be automatically taught in science classes.

"Our ancestors haven't mentioned anywhere that they ever saw an ape turning into a man. No book we have read or the tales told to us by our grandparents had any such mention," he said.

He reiterated his comments in a television interview yesterday.

"Darwin's theory is being challenged the world over. Darwinism is a myth," he said, adding: "If I'm making a statement I can't make it without a basis. I am a man of science. I have completed my PhD in Chemistry from Delhi University."

Online reaction was predictably a mixture of howling rage, banner-waving support and vicious mockery - with many suggesting Mr Singh was playing dog whistle politics for rightwing Hindus. An editorial on the Indian news site The Wire said: “Singh’s remarks are dangerous because he is a minister with the power to change what’s printed in school and college textbooks. .”

Prof Raghavendra Gadagkar, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science, in Bangalore, responded on NDTV, saying: "It seems to be aimed at politically polarising science and scientists, and that is the real danger we must guard against."




February 26,2016

This is like Donald Marshall has told. The elite is cloning persons from the past and makes them politicians and rock stars. Sick world we are living…

Apollyon Rising

As some of you may already know, archeologists claim to have found the tombs of both Osiris (Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead) and the tomb of Gilgamesh (A king who was claimed to be one third man and two thirds god [66.6%]). Very shortly after the tomb of Gilgamesh was discovered, America invaded Iraq, where it was discovered. This was back in 2003, so we were just beginning the war on terror.

So, these two gods are often linked to Nimrod, and many biblical researchers believe them to be one in the same. Is it possible these people actually existed and were mere men who were praised as gods? Is it possible that these men were influenced by the very same evil spirit that influenced Nimrod? If so, with the discoveries of these tombs, and with the very rapid expansion and understanding of DNA cloning technologies we are currently developing, is it possible that whoever may have governance over these tombs could be holding back information, which is scarce, and could possibly be planning something larger. What if they want control over this demonic DNA? What if they want to use it for clones, or for injecting it somehow into someone else? What if these so called gods did have some type of demonic power, like the occult seems to have, and their DNA contains something occult followers would wish to possess? If Nimrod is, in a sense, worshiped still today by mystery religions, what if these religions want to recreate him in some sense? If Babylon truly is still in existence to some degree, wouldn’t Nimrod be the guy they would most want to see again?

A whole lot of what if’s, but Nimrod worship is very real in this world, and with the technology of today and the discoveries of yesterday, something bigger could be in the works. Possibly something that will lead to the rise of the Anti Christ.

Ongoing excavations and research at Nimrud Mountain in Bitlis have revealed the history behind the tomb and treasures of King Nimrod. The real venue of the tomb, which was constructed 2,000 years ago, has been determined.

Writer and researcher Mehmet Törehan Serdar said his team has determined the location of the tomb after an extensive period of research. Noting that the mountain in Adıyaman has no relation to the mountain in Bitlis, Serdar said, “This is only a resemblance in name. The reason being, there is another kin of Adıyaman’s Nimrod in Nemrut.”King Nimrod, according to the Book of Genesis and the Books of Chronicles, was the son of Cush and great-grandson of Noah, and the King of Shinar. He is depicted in the Tanakh as a man of power on earth and a mighty hunter.

Extra-biblical traditions associating him with the Tower of Babel led to his reputation as a king who rebelled against God.

Several Mesopotamian ruins were given Nimrod’s name by 8th-century Arabs.

His tomb remained on the mountain, and the team believes to have found the real location
of the tomb in Bitlis.


As troubling as these thoughts are, they could be just the tip of the iceberg as one-on-one interpersonal malevolence by human-animals might quickly be overshadowed by global acts of swarm violence. The possibility of groups of “transhuman terrorists” in the conceivable future is real enough that a House Foreign Affairs committee chaired by California Democrat Brad Sherman, best known for his expertise on the spread of nuclear weapons and terrorism, is among a number of government panels and think-tanks currently studying the implications of genetic modification and human-transforming technologies related to future terrorism. CQ Columnist Mark Stencel listened to the recent HFA committee hearings and wrote in his March 15, 2009 article, Futurist: Genes Without Borders, that the conference “sounded more like a Hollywood pitch for a sci-fi thriller than a sober discussion of scientific reality… with talk of biotech’s potential for creating supersoldiers, superintelligence and superanimals [that] agents of unprecedented lethal force.” [1]

George Annas, Lori Andrews, and Rosario Isasi were even more apocalyptic in their American Journal of Law and Medicine article, Protecting the Endangered Human: Toward an International Treaty Prohibiting Cloning and Inheritable Alterations when they wrote:

“The new species, or ‘posthuman,’ will likely view the old ‘normal’ humans as inferior, even savages, and fit for slavery or slaughter. The normals, on the other hand, may see the posthumans as a threat and if they can, may engage in a preemptive strike by killing the posthumans before they themselves are killed or enslaved by them. It is ultimately this predictable potential for genocide that makes species-altering experiments potential weapons of mass destruction, and makes the unaccountable genetic engineer a potential bioterrorist.” [2]

Observations like those of Annas, Andrews, and Isasi cause one to wonder if this is not how the servants of Antichrist move with such compassionless brutality in rounding up to destroy all who refuse to receive the Mark of the Beast.

Not to be outpaced in this regard by rogue fringe scientists or even bio-terrorists, DARPA and other agencies of the U.S. military have taken inspiration from the likes of Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings, and in scenes reminiscent of Saruman the wizard creating monstrous Uruk-Hai to wage unending, merciless war, billions of American tax dollars have flowed into the Pentagon’s Frankensteinian dream of “super-soldiers” and “Extended Performance War Fighter” programs. Not only does the EPWFP envision “injecting young men and women with hormonal, neurological and genetic concoctions; implanting microchips and electrodes in their bodies to control their internal organs and brain functions; and plying them with drugs that deaden some of their normal human tendencies: the need for sleep, the fear of death, [and] the reluctance to kill their fellow human beings,” but as Chris Floyd in an article for CounterPunch a while back continued, “some of the research now underway involves actually altering the genetic code of soldiers, modifying bits of DNA to fashion a new type of human specimen, one that functions like a machine, killing tirelessly for days and nights on end…. mutations [that] will ‘revolutionize the contemporary order of battle’ and guarantee ‘operational dominance across the whole range of potential U.S. military employments.’” [3]

In keeping with our study, imagine the staggering implications of such science if dead Nephilim tissue was discovered with intact DNA and a government somewhere was willing to clone or mingle the extracted organisms to make Homo-nephilim. If one accepts the biblical story of Nephilim as real, such discovery could actually be made someday or perhaps already has been and was covered up. As an example of this possibility, in 2009 blood was extracted from the bone of a dinosaur that scientists insist is 80 million years old. Nephilim would have existed in relatively recent times comparably, making clonable material from dead biblical giants feasible. The technology to resurrect the extinct species already exists, and cloning methods are being studied now for use with bringing back Tasmanian Tigers, Wooly Mammoths and other extinguished creatures. National Geographic also confirmed this possibility in their May 2009 special report Recipe for a Resurrection, quoting Hendrik Poinar of McMaster University, an authority on ancient DNA who served as a scientific consultant for the movie Jurassic Park, saying: “I laughed when Steven Spielberg said that cloning extinct animals was inevitable. But I’m not laughing anymore… This is going to happen. It’s just a matter of working out the details.” [4]

Will the same technology lead to the resurrection of the pagan deity Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod, who returns to rule the Novus Order Seclorum? Is material from the deity’s ‘body’ concealed in a tomb at Giza… or in Washington, DC… or in the ‘sacred casket’ that former U.S. Vice President Henry Wallace mentioned in his letter to Nicholas Roerich, considered in esoteric circles to be the same as the casket or ‘coffin’ of Osiris? If so, is it conceivable that plans to revive the Apollonian tissue using biotechnology have already been made, or worse, have already been accomplished and the pagan god waits the moment of its unveiling?

People not familiar with biblical eschatology may find this idea fantastic, that the being who becomes the Antichrist was once alive, then was dead, and returns from the grave to rule the Novus Ordo Seclorum. But this is exactly what Revelation 17:8 appears to say will happen: “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition [Apoleia,]: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder… when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Further, the mythos of the Eye of Horus on the Great Seal, which so fascinated Wallace and company, represents this very concept of deity incarnation into the “King” that is to rule. As mentioned earlier in this blog series, in ancient Egypt where this Great Seal symbol originated, each Pharaoh “became” the incarnation of the falcon god Horus during his lifetime, and at death, the Osiris—the divine judge of the netherworld.

As biotechnology and synthetic biology advance to the degree that we can now realistically anticipate reviving long-dead species, I have been able to convince a few scholarly minds that the Man of Sin could in fact be the return of a deceased Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod who arrives via biotech resurrection. Even Chuck Missler, though not with the same details, raised the appropriate question not long ago in an online article about the Antichrist: “Could it be that this final world dictator will be, in some sense, a return of Nimrod?” In my opinion, this is more than a possibility, and I remember with curiosity how in 1998, Zahi Hawass, the current Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, claimed to have found the burial tomb of the god Osiris (Apollo/Nimrod) at the Giza Plateau. In the article Sandpit of Royalty from the newspaper Extra Bladet (Copenhagen), January 31, 1999, Hawass was quoted saying:

“I have found a shaft, going 29 meters vertically down into the ground, exactly halfway between the Chefren Pyramid and the Sphinx. At the bottom, which was filled with water, we have found a burial chamber with four pillars. In the middle is a large granite sarcophagus, which I expect to be the grave of Osiris, the god…I have been digging in Egypt’s sand for more than 30 years, and up to date this is the most exciting discovery I have made…. We found the shaft in November and began pumping up the water recently. So several years will pass before we have finished investigating the find.” [5]

Insofar as we know this discovery did not ultimately provide the physical remains of the deity. Of course, that is, in as far as we know. But what it did illustrate is that at least some very powerful Egyptologists believe Osiris was a historical figure, and that his body was stored somewhere at or near the Great Pyramid. Manly P. Hall, who knew the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff was a thinly veiled prophecy of the resurrection of Osiris, seems to have understood what Zahi Hawass was looking for, and why. Consider that he wrote in The Secret Teachings of All Ages:

“The Dying God shall rise again! The secret room in the House of the Hidden Places shall be rediscovered. The Pyramid again shall stand as the ideal emblem of solidarity, inspiration, aspiration, resurrection, and regeneration. [6]

Over the years, biblical scholar Gary Stearman has written extensively about Nimrod (Apollo/Osiris/Gilgamesh) and the connection this historical figure has with Babylonian Mystery Religion, Watchers, Nephilim (including their resurrection), and the spirit of the end-times Antichrist and revival of paganism. He too appears to believe the coming of Antichrist represents a return of Nimrod. “But who is this Assyrian,” he asked in the July 2001 Prophecy in the News Magazine, “He is none other than the spiritual inheritor of the first great post-Flood religious apostasy. He is the keeper of the great heritage that began at the Assyrian capital, Nineveh. Its founder was Nimrod…. He is the Antichrist, the future despot who comes in the name of the ancient mystery religion.”

A year earlier, in June of 2000, Stearman had written in Prophecy in the News concerning Nimrod:

“He was a rebel who allowed himself to be worshipped as a god. After the Flood, his rebellion became the foundation of mankind’s greatest religious apostasy. Down through the generations, this system of false worship became known simply as the “Babylonian Mystery Religion.”

Its basis is quite clear. It attempts to channel the power of the ancient gods through the figure of one, powerful man. Nimrod became that god…” [emphasis].

Alexander Hislop in his classic text The Two Babylons substantiates Stearman’s thesis that the Babylonian Mystery Religion was based on the worship of Nimrod. “It was to glorify Nimrod that the whole Chaldean system of iniquity was formed,” he wrote (p.20). Yet Stearman sees that the Mystery Religion continued secretly through the ages, shrouded in hiding by adepts of the occult in anticipation of a final moment when the ancient spirit should be awakened.

“…corrupt priesthoods have flourished, carrying with them the shadow of Nimrod and his ancient mysteries. Their inner secrets have been known by various names, including alchemy, magic, sorcery, conjuring, soothsaying and so forth…. waiting for the prophesied day when it would rise once again. This movement will result in the reign of the Antichrist.”

In addition to the supernatural aspects that biotechnology could provide the Luciferian technology to resurrect Nimrod/Apollo/Osiris in the person of the last days Man of Sin, the ramifications of using the same science to revive extinct animals, Nephilim, or to create newly engineered versions of demigods and mythological animals may also play a role in the Kingdom of Antichrist. This is because as interbreeding begins between transgenic animals, genetically modified humans, and specie as God made them, the altered DNA will quickly migrate into the natural environment, and when that happens (as is already occurring among genetically modified plants and animals), ‘alien’ and/or animal characteristics will be introduced to the human gene pool and spread through intermarriage, altering the human genetic code and eventually eliminating humanity as we know it. This is what happened before the Great Flood according to many theologians, and perhaps that has been the whole idea for the end-times as well—to create a generation of genetically altered ‘Nimrods’ to serve as ‘fit extensions’ for the resurrection of underworld Nephilim-hordes in preparation of Armageddon.

Does a curious verse in the book of Daniel hint at this? Speaking of the last days of human government, Daniel said:

“…they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” (Dan. 2:43).

While Daniel does not explain who they that “mingle themselves with the seed of men” are, the personal pronoun they caused Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman in their book Alien Encounters to ask: “Just what (or who) are ‘mingling with the seed of men?’ Who are these Non-seed? It staggers the mind to contemplate the potential significance of Daniel’s passage and its implications for the future global governance.” [7]

Daniel’s verse troubled Missler and Eastman because it seemed to indicate that the same phenomenon that occurred in Genesis chapter 6 where non-human species or ‘non-seed’ mingled with human seed and produced Nephilim, would happen again in the end times. When this verse from Daniel is coupled with Genesis 3:15, which says, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed [zera,] and her seed,” an incredible tenant emerges—that Satan has seed, and that it is at enmity with Christ.

To ‘mingle’ non-human seed with Homo sapiens through altering human DNA while simultaneously returning Nephilim to earth has been the inspiration of the spirit of antichrist ever since God during the Great Flood halted the practice. According to Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier in The Dawn of Magic (first published in France under the title “Le Matin des Magiciens” 1960 by Editions Gallimard, Paris), this was certainly the goal of the antichrist Adolf Hitler:

Hitler’s aim was neither the founding of a race of supermen, nor the conquest of the world; these were only means towards the realization of the great work he dreamed of. His real aim was to perform an act of creation, a divine operation, the goal of a biological mutation which would result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the “apparition of a new race of heroes and demigods and god-men.” [8]

One cannot read the conclusion by Pauwells and Bergier regarding Hitler’s antichrist ambition without seeing how it corresponds perfectly with the Cumaean Sibyl’s prophecy pertaining to the coming of Apollo, who receives “the life of gods, and sees Heroes with gods commingling.” This calls to mind that from the Middle Ages forward, church leaders have believed the Antichrist would ultimately represent the return of the Nephilim—the reunion of demons with humans. St. Augustine himself wrote of such demoniality in the City of God [9], and in the De Daemonialitate, et Incubis, et Succubi, Fr. Ludovicus Maria Sinistrari de Ameno (1622-1701) also perceived the coming of Antichrist as representing the biological hybridization of demons with humans. “To theologians and philosophers,” he wrote, “it is a fact, that from the copulation of humans with the demon…Antichrist must be born.” [10]

The English theologian George Hawkins Pember agreed with this premise, and in his 1876 masterpiece Earth’s Earliest Ages he analyzed the prophecy of Christ that says the end-times would be a repeat of “the days of Noah.” Pember outlined the seven great causes of the antediluvian destruction and documented their developmental beginnings in his lifetime. The seventh and most fearful sign, Pember wrote, would be the return of the Nephilim, “The appearance upon earth of beings from the Principality of the Air, and their unlawful intercourse with the human race.”

Consequently, if the Antichrist is the reincarnation of the demon Apollo as prophesied by the Apostle Paul, not only will he be the exact opposite of Jesus (Son of God), but the forerunner of the return of the Nephilim. The prophet Isaiah (chapters 13 and 14) likewise spoke of the return of these beings, and tied the advent to the destruction of the city of Babylon in the final age. The following verse should give us pause in light of the ongoing presence of US armed forces in Iraq/Babylon and the powder keg surrounding it. From the Septuagint, we read:

The vision which Esaias son of Amos saw against Babylon. Lift up a standard on the mountain of the plain, exalt the voice to them, beckon with the hand, open the gates, ye ruler. I give command and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfill my wrath…. For behold! the day of the Lord is coming which cannot be escaped, a day of wrath and anger, to make the world desolate…. And Babylon…shall be as when God overthrew Sodoma and Gomorrah…. It shall never be inhabited…and monsters shall rest there, and devils shall dance there and satyrs shall dwell there . . . (Isaiah 13:1-3, 9, 19-22).

One can only speculate if something more than is casually perceived is meant by Isaiah when he says, “open the gates, ye ruler,” but whoever this ruler is, he opens ‘gates’ in Iraq/Babylon through which end-times giants (Gibborim) return to the surface of earth as agents of God’s wrath. Noting that Isaiah ties the destruction of Iraq/Babylon with the reappearance of Gibborim in this way, we recall how thousands of US troops on invading Iraq during the Bush administration admittedly filled U.S. containers with archaeological materials, including what some have speculated to be cuneiform tablets pointing to the location of pure-blooded Nephilim buried in underground caves. This is exactly where Enoch said the antediluvian Nephilim are, and raises fascinating questions: Would agencies like DARPA have interest in studying or cloning the extinct beings if they were, or have been, found? Could man in his arrogance revive ancient DNA, revitalizing or blending it with other living organisms in a way similar to what the Watchers did in making the first Nephilim? Is this how the Rephaim (dead Nephilim) who are viewed as squirming beneath the surface of the earth, rise to challenge the armies of God during Armageddon? Is the factual reappearance on earth of legendary beings verified by Isaiah, who foresaw creatures such as satyrs (transgenic half-man half-goats) accompanying the return of giants in the end-times, or why other Apocryphal Books like 2 Esdras 5:8 prophesy the birth of “monsters” for the same period of time? Some may be shocked to learn that in addition to the citations above, the Bible actually describes an end-times confrontation between the ‘mythological gods’ and Christ. “The Lord will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth” says Zephaniah 2:11. “The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the… gods” (Jer. 46:25). Human followers of the pagan deities will also join the conflict, calling upon their “idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood” (Rev. 9:20) to convene their powers against the Christian God, uniting with “unclean spirits like frogs… the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth… to gather them to the battle of that great day… [to] a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon [Megiddo]” (Rev. 16:13-14;16).

Given that the prophets foretold a day when mythical characters and “gods” would return to earth to conduct war against the God of the Bible, it is more than a little disturbing that man has, for the first time since before the Great Flood, intentionally set course to repeat what ancient records say the Watchers did. The accelerated pace by scientific exploration against God’s Divine Order, and the subsequent revival of Watcher technology leading to transhuman or revived forms of Nephilim, has without doubt pushed the end-times clock closer to midnight than most comprehend.


Enoch was the son of Jared, father of Methuselah and great-grandfather of Noah whose writings provide the most detailed account of the fall of the “Watchers,” the angels who fathered the infamous Nephilim. While the book of Enoch is no longer included in most versions of the Bible, Enoch’s writings are quoted in the New Testament in at least two places, and he is mentioned by name in both the Old and New Testaments, including Jude 14-15 where one of his prophecies is cited. During the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, pre-Maccabean fragments of the Book of Enoch were found, helping scholars to verify the book’s antiquity while also illustrating that the ancients held these texts to be inspired. Many early Church Fathers likewise considered the Book of Enoch to be sacred, including Tertullian, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen and Clement of Alexandria. This is an important fact because if Enoch was truly a prophet, then the world may be in for an unfathomable surprise concerning the return of Nephilim, and soon.

In the tenth chapter of the book of Enoch, it says the Watchers who were judged during the flood would be bound beneath the hills of the earth for 70 generations, until the day of their final judgment when they will be released from those confines and thrown into an abyss of fire, “to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever.”

But in the fifteenth chapter, Enoch writes about the deceased offspring of the Watchers, the giants or Nephilim, and describes them as being released at the same time to bring slaughter and destruction upon man:

“The spirits of the giants…shall be concealed, and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against women; until they come forth during the days of slaughter and destruction” (Enoch 15:9-10).

This particular prophecy mirrors those of Isaiah and other apocryphal works, which indicate a future date in which Watchers will rise for judgment while their giant offspring resurrect “from beneath the hills of the earth” to wreak havoc upon earth. According to Enoch, this unparalleled event is scheduled to occur after 70 generations have passed from the time of the Flood.

This could be troubling.

Although traditional scholarship places the time of the Great Flood between BC 2500 and 2300, modern dating by some researchers has roughly estimated the flood to have actually transpired between BC 2800 and 2900. For instance this is the dating given by a group of scientists from the USA, Russia, Australia, France, and Ireland known as the Holocene Impact Working Group who hypothesize the Great Flood resulted from a comet striking the Indian Ocean between 2800-2900 BC, resulting in a mega-tsunami. Because a prophetic generation is 70 years based on Psalm 90:10 (“The days of our years are threescore years and ten”), Enoch’s 70 generations times 70 years equals exactly 4900 years forward from the flood. If the flood took place between BC 2800 and 2900, this brings the return of the Nephilim to the immediate hour. In other words, if this BC 2800 to 2900 dating is correct, mankind is on the threshold of Watchers being raised from their underground prisons and thrown into an abyss of fire, while their giant offspring return to the surface of earth in violent fulfillment of multiple prophecies (and does this coincide with the Mayan 2012 return of Quatzlecoatl?)

We have no idea whether the modern time frame for the Great Flood is reasonable, but the Book of Jubilees—another apocryphal text—seems to verify this frightening scenario, prophesying Nephilim on earth in the last days. Again, the familiar word “corruption” turns up in association with these beings, insinuating an end-times repeat of what the Watchers did by corrupting human DNA and blending it with animals to retrofit human bodies for Nephilim incarnation. Note that this happens just before Satan is judged.

“The malignant evil ones [spirits] were bound in the place of condemnation, but a tenth part of them were left that they might be subject before Satan on the earth. These are for corruption [corruption] and leading astray men before Satan’s judgment” (10:7-12).

Finally, a prophecy in the second chapter of the Book of Joel could refer to the same end-times volcano of resurrected Nephilim. While some expositors say Joel was most likely describing an army of locusts, with phrases like “[They] a great people and a strong” and “they shall run like mighty men [Gibborim]” it is reasonable to question if in fact these verses are talking about grasshoppers.

“[They] a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it… and nothing shall escape them. The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run…. They shall run like mighty men [Gibbowr,]; they shall climb the wall like men of war…. They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. The earth shall quake before them…. And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?” (Joel 2:2-11)

When the numerous ancient texts from inerrant Scriptures to extra-biblical sources are added up, there is persuasive evidence that Joel’s army could indeed be more than simple grasshoppers, and that this massive Gibborim army that runs upon the wall from which nobody can escape could be the result of man’s willingness to play “god” in reviving forbidden science and opening “gates” to what lurks beyond.

1, Article
2, American Journal of Law and Medicine, Vol. 28, Number 2&3, 2002 p. 162
3, Floyd, Chris. Monsters, Inc.: The Pentagon Plan to Create Mutant “Super-Soldiers”, CounterPunch, January 13, 2003
4, Cloned Species
5, Sandpit of Royalty, from the newspaper Extra Bladet (Copenhagen), January 31, 1999
6, Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Forgotten Books, 1967, pg 104
7, Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman, Alien Encounters, Koinonia House, Coeur d. Alene, ID, 1997, pg 275
8, Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier. The Dawn of Magic, 1st published in France under the title “Le Matin des Magiciens,” pg 68, 1960 by Editions Gallimard, Paris
9, Augustine, City of God, 23:15
10, Fr. Ludovicus Maria Sinistrari de Ameno, De Daemonialitate, et Incubis, et Succubi (1622-1701), English transation of this portion provided by Jacques Vallee in Passport to Magonia, Contemporary Books, 1993 edition, pp. 127-129


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STAT (Edited from longer article.)

In a scientific first, cloned monkeys are born. Will they accelerate biomedical research?


JANUARY 24, 2018

Zhong Zhong, one of the first two monkeys created by somatic cell nuclear transfer.

There have been mice and cows and pigs and camels, bunnies and bantengs and ferrets and dogs, but ever since Dolly the sheep became the first cloned mammal in 1996, the list has had a conspicuous hole: primates. Now that hole has been filled.

Scientists in China reported on Wednesday in Cell that they had cloned two healthy long-tailed macaque monkeys from the cells of another macaque, using the Dolly technique. The two clones, born 51 and 49 days ago, were created from a fetus’s cells; so far, the scientists have not been able to make the tricky procedure work when they used cells from adult macaques. That would seem to postpone the dystopian day when cloning children and grown-ups becomes as mainstream as IVF. But because “the technical barrier [to cloning primates] is now broken,” co-author Mu-ming Poo of the Institute of Neuroscience in Shanghai told reporters, the technique “could be applied to humans” — something he said his team has no intention of doing and sees no reason for.

Cloning pioneers said the monkey clones represented, as Dr. Robert Lanza put it, “an impressive breakthrough, which overcomes the last major hurdle in the field.” Lanza co-led teams that cloned a gaur in 2000 and in 2014 used the Dolly technique to produce human embryos (but not pregnancies) from the cells of an adult.

Before this, “no one was able to produce living offspring” through primate cloning, said Shoukhrat Mitalipov, of Oregon Health and Science University, who in 2013 also used the Dolly technique to create human embryos (technically, blastocysts) from the cells of an 8-month-old. (He did not use the embryos to create pregnancies either.) “These guys made it work, which is quite an achievement.”



Top secret HUMAN TESTING in China to create SUPERHUMAN army in military revamp

CHINA’s mission to create an army of superhumans is expanding at a worryingly fast pace as the country rapidly invests in its controversial genetics research and development programme, a new study has revealed.


January 24, 2018

It has been revealed that over the last three years at least 86 people have undergone surgery to dramatically alter their genes in the communist state.

None of the clinical trials have been formally published, adding to the secrecy of the genetic alteration programme, but the testing is said to have “improved” patients ability.

Chinese doctors are able to selectively edit the DNA of cells in patients bodies and replace them with stronger genetics.

The developments have caused concern in the US with the country fearing the scientific experiment could give the Chinese the upper hand in any future war between the two world powers.

Maria Zuber, Chair of the US National Science Foundation (NSF), warned it was vital the US increase their research and development programmes in light of Beijing’s success.

She said: “That trend raises concerns about impacts on our economy and workforce, and has implications for our national security.

“From gene editing to artificial intelligence, scientific advancements come with inherent risks.

“And it's critical that we stay at the forefront of science to mitigate those risks.”

While China have been actively testing on humans since 2015, the US is only expected to start similar testing this year.

The NSF’s Science and Engineering Indicators 2018 report reveals that while the US remains the global leader biological research and development, “the US global share of science and technology activities is declining as other nations - especially China - continue to rise”.

The human testing in Asia’s powerhouse has so far largely focused on how to combat cancer, as 36 patients with kidney, lung, liver and throat cancers had their infected cells replaced successfully.

The communist state has massively increased its financing of genetic research and development since the year 2000.

President Xi Jinping unveiled a number of new military initiatives earlier this year, including plans for the “modernisation of the national defence and armed forced”.

In a report released by the Chinese Government, they announced that “the people’s armed forces will be transformed into world-class military by the mid-21st century.”

In a warning, the Trump administration about Beijing’s development of military aircraft NSF said: “The US is the largest producer of high-technology manufacturing (31 percent global share).

“This includes production of aircraft and spacecraft, semiconductors, computers, pharmaceuticals, and measuring and control instruments.

“China is second at 24 per cent, more than doubling its share over the last decade.”

Last year Eric Schmidt, the head of Google’s parent company Alphabet, made a stark admission about China’s plans to invest heavily in technology.

Speaking about whether the US or China would have more technological power Mr Schmidt said: “It's pretty simple.

“By 2020, they will have caught up; by 2025, they will be better than us; and by 2030, they will dominate the industries of Artificial Intelligence.”



CryptoRuble introduced as legal tender in draft bill submitted to Russian parliament

January 25, 2018


A draft law introducing the national cryptocurrency CryptoRuble as an official means of payment in Russia has been submitted to parliament.

“The amendments proposed by the draft law ... codify the digital financial asset as a legal means of payment on the territory of Russia,” the document’s explanatory note reads.

The draft law was submitted by a Communist Party MP, Rizvan Kurbanov. It specifies that the currency will go by the name “CryptoRuble.”

The document proposes several amendments to the Russian Civil Code, which would make the CryptoRuble a legal means of payment circulated nationwide. The bill was submitted to parliament at the same time as another draft law aimed at regulating the mining and circulation of digital financial assets in Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the issue of a national cryptocurrency, totally regulated by the government, in November last year. The release of CryptoRuble (CRUR) would see all other cryptocurrency mining banned in the country, Communications Minister Nikolay Nikiforov said at the time. The financial operations involving the Russian cryptocurrency are to be taxed at the rate of 13 percent applied to any appreciation in value – or 13 percent of the total if the owner can’t explain the source of the digital coins.

The CryptoRuble will also be promoted for circulation on international markets, according to Russia’s Deputy Minister of Economic Development Oleg Fomichev, who stressed the CryptoRuble is designed to become Russian “digital money in light of the digital economy.”


Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show

Google and the rest of social media is desperately trying to control everything you see, think, hear and feel. Google has become the most evil corporation on the face of the earth. Remember, where they burn books, they will soon burn people. How far is Google willing to go with their censorship practices? Is the the beginning of the 4th Reich? Hopefully not, there is now a major law suit against Google which threatens to spread. China and Social media are assignment threat matrix scores to internet users. Here is the rest of the story.

Grave Social Media Developments

Two top Democratic Senators, both in the House and Senate, are demanding Facebook and Twitter investigate another Russian-Collusion-Delusion connection to President Trump.

Feinstein and Schiff want these social media giants to investigate whether or not Russian bots and trolls are conspiring in a social media plot to get Americans to call for the release of the memo detailing what republicans are saying is the Democratic abuse of power with regard to the FISA warrants issued to spy on candidate Trump, his family and his staff. Americans are increasingly demanding the release of these FISA documents in campaign calling for the release of a memo detailing criminal behavior by Obama and key members of the Democratic Party.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the top Democrat, and according to Trevor Louden’s Enemies Within, have ties to front groups for the American Communist Party and the Muslim Brotherhood, are calling for the concealment of the documents and they are also demanding the social media censor any social media posts on the topic. Schiff serves on the House Intelligence Committee, and he and Feinstein have sent letters to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey asking them to look into whether accounts tied to Russia were involved in the #ReleaseTheMemo social media campaign. THE COMMON SENSE SHOW IS CALLING FOR EVERYONE WITH A FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE AND TWITTER ACCOUNT TO SEND OUT A #RELEASETHEMEMO social media message.

Schiff, who has gone completely insane stated the following:

“These Russian efforts are intended to influence congressional action and undermine Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation, which has already resulted in the indictments of two Trump campaign officials and guilty pleas from two others, who are both now cooperating with prosecutors…”“It is critically important that the Special Counsel’s investigation be allowed to proceed without interference from inside or outside the United States.”

Here we go again America, anytime the Democrats are caught committing felonies for which they should go to jail, they blame the Russians.

The #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag spread on social media after Republican lawmakers calls for the release of a four-page memo they said showed FISA abuses.

The House Intelligence Committee voted along party lines to allow all House members to read the memo, but some Republicans wanted the document released to the public.

Feinstein and Schiff have asked Twitter and Facebook to determine the Russian connection of postings on #ReleaseTheMemo and their Russian connections. The two lawmakers have also called for social media censorship over accounts that would champion #ReleaseTheMemo. In other words, Feinstein and Schiff are calling for more censorship of the truth. Feinstein and Schiff are clearly attempting to conceal very serious criminal activity. Why are the American people putting up with this obstruction of justice?

It is clear that Twitter, Facebook and Google are aiding and abetting a criminal conspiracy with regard to the FISA surveillance issue. However, this social media criminal behavior goes much further than the concealment of multiple felonies by key members of the Democratic Party. The following video I produced on Youtube was demonetized, by title, before it was even uploaded. The video dealt with topic of assigning a threat matrix score to all Internet users. This is clearly a naughty list that could be used to send people to FEMA camps in the event of a coup.

How Far Will This Tyranny Extend?

Professor Margaret Hu from the Washington and Lee University School of Law states that “The implementation of a universal digitalized biometric ID system risks normalizing and integrating mass cybersurveillance into the daily lives of ordinary citizens”.

Professor Hu explains that the FBI’s Next Generation Identification project will institute the following:

“A comprehensive, centralized, and technologically interoperable biometric database that spans across military and national security agencies, as well as all other state and federal government agencies. Once complete, NGI will strive to centralize whatever biometric data is available on all citizens and noncitizens in the United States and abroad, including information on fingerprints, DNA, iris scans, voice recognition, and facial recognition data captured through digitalized photos, such as U.S. passport photos and REAL ID driver’s licenses. The NGI Interstate Photo System, for instance, aims to aggregate digital photos from not only federal, state, and local law enforcement, but also digital photos from private businesses, social networking sites, government agencies, and foreign and international entities, as well as acquaintances, friends, and family members”. Biometric ID cybersurveillance might be used to assign risk assessment scores and to take action based on those scores“.

The healthy side of your paranoia is about to emerge as we consider the fact that Professor Hu describes a DHS program known as FAST, which is a DHS tested program and has been described as a “precrime” program. FAST will gather upon complex statistical algorithms that will compile data from multiple databases and will subsequently “predict” future criminal or terrorist acts.

The “precrime” data will be gathered” through cybersurveillance and stealth data monitoring of ordinary citizens. The FAST program purports to assess whether an individual might pose a “precrime” threat through the capture of a range of data, including biometric data. In other words, FAST accuses non-convicted individuals as being a security threat risk of becoming future criminals and terrorists through data analysis. No charges, no police interviews, the system is designed to become “judge, jury and executioner“.

Under the Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST), criminal cues are captured through the following types of biometric data including body and eye movements, eye blink rate and pupil variation, body heat changes, and breathing patterns. Various linguistic cues include the analysis of voice pitch changes, alterations in voce rhythm patterns, and changes in intonations of speech. Hu notes that in documents released by DHS clearly show that individuals could be arrested and face serious consequences based upon statistical algorithms and predictive analytical assessments.

Professor Hu issued the following warning:

“The prognostications of FAST can range from none to being temporarily detained to deportation, prison, or death“.

These developments, plus the increased participation of social media in this type of tyranny is making the Internet experience a dangerous endeavor.

DHS Wants to Know Everything About You

DHS has funded a multi-billion dollar spy tool and it is called FirstNet. This is a citizen information gathering device like no other. A company called New World Systems (do they really mean New World Order Systems?) is in charge of implementing this system.

The Radio Access Network (RAN) part of this elaborate network consists of the radio base station infrastructure that connects to user devices including cell towers and mobile hotspots embedded in vehicles which connects to the satellite network or other types of wireless infrastructure. This is a “search and destroy system” as FirstNet is designed to hunt you down in remote areas. Take a look at the map below along with the embedded graphics from the FirstNet website. They have developed the technology to track you and find you should you be a fugitive from their own special brand of justice. RAN has the ability to track you anywhere on the planet. Soon, there will be nowhere for people with high threat matrix scores to run and hide without being found by this system. And now, Facebook, Twitter and Google are a major part of this tyranny and they are partnering with Communist China.

There Is No End to the Madness

A company called PredPol claims that it possesses proprietary software which can actually predict times and places for likely future crimes. Intrado has the capability to data mine all social media and create your personal profile based on your Internet chatter. Subsequently, if you are pulled over for a speeding violation, you could find yourself face down on the pavement because you have written something negative about the police who murdered Eric Garner. Or, you might just end up like Eric Garner.

Does anyone else have a problem with this police state surveillance grid? Some might intimate, it is time for a revolution. For those who are so inclined, the authorities, the minions for the banksters, have that possibility covered as well and that will be the topic of a future article. Meanwhile, take a pill, your paranoia is about to get worse because your friendly communists in China and your social media are partnering to label you for the dangerous dissident that you are.



US broken promises to stop arming Kurds triggered Afrin op’ – Turkey's ex-FM to RT

January 22, 2018

FILE PHOTO Kurdish fighters from the People's Protection Units (YPG) chat with members of U.S. forces in the town of Darbasiya next to the Turkish border, Syria April 29, 2017 © Rodi Said / Reuters

Turkey would not have embarked on a military campaign in Afrin if Washington had honored its promises to cut off supplies and support to Kurdish militias, Yasar Yakis, Turkey's former foreign minister told RT.

It was “to a very large extent” the US policy towards the Kurds which served as the catalyst for the Turkish offensive in northern Syria, the former diplomat and ambassador to the UN Office in Vienna, Egypt and Saudi Arabia said.

“If the US wasn’t going to arm Kurds, Turkey wouldn’t have arrived to the point where it is.” Ankara “tried to draw attention of its ally, [telling the Americans] ‘You should not arm and train and provide ammunition to a terrorist group’,”Yakis said, referring to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) viewed by Ankara as a terrorist group.

With President Recep Erdogan pledging to expand the military offensive beyond Afrin, extending it to Manbij, Turkey will engage the Americans, leading to the two powers clashing in a third country, he said. This would be “unacceptable in the alliance.”

Relations between the NATO allies “have been going from bad to worse in the last several years,” noted Joshua Landis, Director at the Center of Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. “The US has begun to write Turkey off as a partner and a security ally in the region. Turkey felt increasingly that the US is siding with Kurdish nationalism in Syria, in Iraq, defying Turkish interests.” Landis believes.

Washington’s announcement to create a predominantly Kurdish border force in Syria was “the final straw”Landis said. Although the US later backtracked on the thousands-strong “Border Security Force,” its stated intention to maintain a military presence in Syria has further fuelled the flames.
“They don’t have to stay and arm and train a Kurdish-dominated security force,” Landis pointed out. Referring to President Donald Trump's reluctance to end military support to the Kurds and Washington's recent announcement that US troops will remain in Syria, Landis said “this change in American foreign policy is what has really driven Turkey to take this step.”

With the Turkish offensive in full swing, the US is going to face “a tough sledding ahead,” while its Kurdish allies “will see America having let them down,” Landis outlined. “What this is going to demand of the Kurds, is that they sacrifice their brothers in Afrin in order to build up autonomy in the eastern part of the country.”




Stunning admission by globalist darling

January 21, 2018

FRENCH president Emmanuel Macron shocked Andrew Marr during their interview when he admitted that had France held a referendum on membership of the EU after Brexit, the French people would vote to leave.

Emmanuel Macron has sent shockwaves throughout Europe after he conceded that French voters would quit the EU if France held an in/out referendum on the Brussels-led bloc.

No other European Union country has risked putting membership of the bloc to a public vote since Britain surprised member-states by voting to leave the bloc in 2016.

However, speaking to Andrew Marr on the BBC, Mr Macron admitted that he would lose a French referendum on EU membership.

Asked about the Brexit vote, the candid president told Marr: "I am not the one to judge or comment on the decision of your people.

"But, my interpretation is that a lot of the losers of globalisation suddenly decided it was no more for them."

Marr then pushed the French president, regarded by many as the EU's new leader, on whether Britain's decision was a one-off.

The BBC journalist asked: "If France had had the same referendum, it might have had the same result?"

Macron responded: "Yes, probably, probably. Yes. In a similar context. But we have a very different context in France."

He added: "I wouldn’t take any bet though - I would have fought very hard to win.

"My understanding is that middle classes and working classes and the oldest decided that the recent decades were not in their favour, and the adjustments made by the EU were not in their favour.

"I think the organisation of EU went too far with freedom without cohesion, free markets without rules."

The French leader hit out at David Cameron for holding a referendum with a simple yes / no response on membership, instead of asking how to improve the situation.

Twitter lit up after the interview was aired, with many questioning if the French leader had just admitted that he "does not listen to his own people" since he has refused to hold a referendum on the EU.


The Guardian

Do you work more than 39 hours a week? Your job could be killing you

Peter Fleming

15 Jan 2018

When a new group of interns recently arrived at Barclays in New York, they discovered a memo in their inboxes. It was from their supervisor at the bank, and headed: “Welcome to the jungle.” The message continued: “I recommend bringing a pillow to the office. It makes sleeping under your desk a lot more comfortable … The internship really is a nine-week commitment at the desk … An intern asked our staffer for a weekend off for a family reunion–he was told he could go. He was also asked to hand in his BlackBerry and pack up his desk.”

Although the (unauthorised) memo was meant as a joke, no one laughed when it was leaked to the media. Memories were still fresh of Moritz Erhardt, the 21-year-old London intern who died after working 72 hours in a row at Bank of America. It looked as if Barclays was also taking the “work ethic” to morbid extremes.

Following 30 years of neoliberal deregulation, the nine-to-five feels like a relic of a bygone era. Jobs are endlessly stressed and increasingly precarious. Overwork has become the norm in many companies–something expected and even admired. Everything we do outside the office–no matter how rewarding–is quietly denigrated. Relaxation, hobbies, raising children or reading a book are dismissed as laziness. That’s how powerful the mythology of work is.

Technology was supposed to liberate us from much of the daily slog, but has often made things worse: in 2002, fewer than 10% of employees checked their work email outside of office hours. Today, with the help of tablets and smartphones, it is 50%, often before we get out of bed.

Some observers have suggested that workers today are never “turned off”. Like our mobile phones, we only go on standby at the end of the day, as we crawl into bed exhausted. This unrelenting joylessness is especially evident where holidays are concerned. In the US, one of the richest economies in the world, employees are lucky to get two weeks off a year.

You might almost think this frenetic activity was directly linked to our biological preservation and that we would all starve without it. As if writing stupid emails all day in a cramped office was akin to hunting-and-gathering of a previous age … Thankfully, a sea change is taking place. The costs of overwork can no longer be ignored. Long-term stress, anxiety and prolonged inactivity have been exposed as potential killers.

Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center recently used activity trackers to monitor 8,000 workers over the age of 45. The findings were striking. The average period of inactivity during each waking day was 12.3 hours. Employees who were sedentary for more than 13 hours a day were twice as likely to die prematurely as those who were inactive for 11.5 hours. The authors concluded that sitting in an office for long periods has a similar effect to smoking and ought to come with a health warning.

When researchers at University College London looked at 85,000 workers, mainly middle-aged men and women, they found a correlation between overwork and cardiovascular problems, especially an irregular heart beat or atrial fibrillation, which increases the chances of a stroke five-fold.

Labour unions are increasingly raising concerns about excessive work, too, especially its impact on relationships and physical and mental health. Take the case of the IG Metall union in Germany. Last week, 15,000 workers (who manufacture car parts for firms such as Porsche) called a strike, demanding a 28-hour work week with unchanged pay and conditions. It’s not about indolence, they say, but self-protection: they don’t want to die before their time. Science is on their side: research from the Australian National University recently found that working anything over 39 hours a week is a risk to wellbeing.

Is there a healthy and acceptable level of work? According to US researcher Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, most modern employees are productive for about four hours a day: the rest is padding and huge amounts of worry. Pang argues that the workday could easily be scaled back without undermining standards of living or prosperity.

Other studies back up this observation. The Swedish government, for example, funded an experiment where retirement home nurses worked six-hour days and still received an eight-hour salary. The result? Less sick leave, less stress, and a jump in productivity.

All this is encouraging as far as it goes. But almost all of these studies focus on the problem from a numerical point of view–the amount of time spent working each day, year-in and year-out. We need to go further and begin to look at the conditions of paid employment. If a job is wretched and overly stressful, even a few hours of it can be an existential nightmare. Someone who relishes working on their car at the weekend, for example, might find the same thing intolerable in a large factory, even for a short period. All the freedom, creativity and craft are sucked out of the activity. It becomes an externally imposed chore rather than a moment of release.

Why is this important?

Because there is a danger that merely reducing working hours will not change much, when it comes to health, if jobs are intrinsically disenfranchising. In order to make jobs more conducive to our mental and physiological welfare, much less work is definitely essential. So too are jobs of a better kind, where hierarchies are less authoritarian and tasks are more varied and meaningful.

Capitalism doesn’t have a great track record for creating jobs such as these, unfortunately. More than a third of British workers think their jobs are meaningless, according to a survey by YouGov. And if morale is that low, it doesn’t matter how many gym vouchers, mindfulness programmes and baskets of organic fruit employers throw at them. Even the most committed employee will feel that something is fundamentally missing. A life.


The Guardian

Ain't no sunshine: winter is one of darkest ever for parts of Europe

Brussels had less than 11 hours of sun last month, while Lille has had less than three in January

Jon Henley, European affairs correspondent

January 19, 2018

Sunshine is in short supply across a swathe of north-west Europe, shrouded in heavy cloud from a seemingly never-ending series of low pressure systems since late November and suffering one of its darkest winters since records began.

If you live in Brussels, 10 hours and 31 minutes was your lot for the entire month of December. The all but benighted inhabitants of Lille in France got just two hours, 42 minutes through the first half of January.

“Sound the alarm and announce the disappearance,” read a despairing headline in photon-deprived northern France’s regional paper, La Voix du Nord. “A star has been kidnapped. We still have no sign of life from the sun.”

Belgium’s Royal Meteorological Institute has declared December 2017 “the second darkest month since 1887”, when it began measuring, after the 10.5 hours of sun recorded at its Uccle weather station last month were beaten only by a bare 9.3 hours in 1934.

France’s northern Hauts-de-France region did better with 26 hours of sunshine in December, but that was against a norm of 48.

But Météo France described the paltry 2.7 hours of sun recorded from 1 to 13 January in Lille, the region’s biggest city, as “exceptional”. The January average stands at 61.4 hours, according to the agency – meaning Lille and its unfortunate residents were deprived of perhaps 30 hours’ worth of rays in the first part of the month.

The previous low of 13 hours, dating back to 1948, could well be beaten, Frédéric Decker of Météo News told La Voix du Nord this week. “The forecast isn’t looking too great,” he said. “The weather’s going to stay pretty damp and dull.”

Rouen in Normandy had an even more depressing first half of the month, with just 2.5 hours of sunshine compared with a full-month norm of 58.6, Météo France said, while Paris’s 10 hours were also a far cry from the 62.5 hours the capital usually averages in January.

Even southern French sun-traps such as Bordeaux and Marseille fell a very long way short of their usual ray quota in the first half of the month, basking in just 10.3 and 26.9 hours respectively against monthly averages of 96 and 92.5.

Health experts say a shortage of sunshine can lead to seasonal depression, whose symptoms include a lack of energy, a desire to sleep and a perceived need to consume greater quantities of sugar and fat.

“Exposure to morning light inhibits the secretion of melatonin that promotes sleep and favours the production of hormones that will stimulate the body,” Matthieu Hein, a psychiatrist at the Erasmus Hospital in Brussels, said.

In the absence of light, we are “rather slow, tired, which is characteristic of SAD, or seasonal affective disorder”. Florent Durand, who runs a massage studio in Lille, told France 3 TV that his €39 light therapy sessions were booked out.

The inhabitants of north-west Europe, however, can count themselves lucky. Moscow recorded just six paltry minutes of direct sunshine in the whole of December, shattering the previous record low of three hours, set in 2000.

The Russian capital normally averages a bleak 18 hours of sunshine in the last month of the year. “December was just amazing,” Roman Vilfond of Moscow State University’s meteorological unit told the Tass news agency.

“The darkest month in the history of our weather observations. When they hear this, people will say: ‘Now I know why I was depressed.’” The daily Moskovsky Komsomolets reported a surge in visits to psychiatrists.


Blaze Natural

Top 22 Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar

POSTED ON January 19, 2018

By Dr. Mercola

Hippocrates used vinegar to manage wounds, while medical practitioners in the 1700s used it to treat everything from poison ivy and croup to stomach aches. Vinegar was even used to treat diabetes.1

Vinegar, which means “sour wine” in French, can be made from virtually any carbohydrate that can be fermented, including grapes, dates, coconut, potatoes, beets, and, of course, apples.

The benefits and uses of apple cider vinegar (ACV) are now known to many (more on this later), which is why this is becoming a staple in many people’s kitchen pantries.

Traditionally, vinegar is made through a long, slow fermentation process, leaving it rich in bioactive components like acetic acid, gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin, caffeic acid, and more, giving it potent antioxidant, antimicrobial, and many other beneficial properties.

22 Uses for apple cider vinegar


Until next week...keep on believing.
Almondtree Productions

I have cried, for thou heardest me, O God: incline thine ear to me, and hearken to my words. Shew the marvels of thy mercies, thou that savest them that hope in thee. Keep me as the apple of the eye from those that resist thy right hand: thou shalt screen me by the covering of thy wings.”
(Psalm 17:6-8)

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