For we are labourers together with God.”
(1 Corinthians 3:9)

Labourers Together

Dear Ones,


As you may be aware we have recently put out an appeal for help in support of a documentary we, “People of the Keys”, are planning on making from mid-May to mid-June with Simon Peterson of “Nightlight” (A radio show which airs out of Uganda). (For more on Simon's bio see the last two weeks editorials.)

Below is Simon's appeal which gives more details on the project.

We at “People of the Keys” would right now especially like to take the time to thank those who have already given from last weeks appeal and those who have pledged. God bless you.

We would also especially like to ask TFI and former TFI folks if they would pray and see if the Lord could be leading them to help with this project.

It only takes enough people giving just a little to make it happen.

Thank you and God bless you!

Simon's Appeal

Robert (of and I are making arrangements to film 2 or 3 documentaries in Jerusalem during the last week of May and the first 2 weeks of June. With the help of a TFI brother who now lives in Jerusalem, we have located an apartment we wish to rent that is just a short walk away from the Old City, where most of the filming will take place.

The Lord has supplied the cameras and other equipment needed for the filming, but we would appreciate some financial help towards our air fares, apartment rental and other costs if any of you would like to chip in with however much you would like to invest in this project.

You can donate via Paypal to Or, if you are a TFI member you can send it with your TFI report as a designated gift to "simonpeter" (my log in). Or you can donate by Paypal via the People of the Keys website.

All donors will, of course, receive copies of the three documentaries, which are:


    A documentary about the past, present and most importantly the future of Jerusalem from where Jesus will reign during the Millennium.


    Completely new script and footage. The linking narrations will be filmed on the Mount of Olives and elsewhere in Israel.


This is Robert's specialty. Where did the Temple actually stand? Discussing this question enables us to bring in the wider spectrum of Endtime prophecies. (We have already done a Nightlight radio show on this topic which you can find at and which will give you a pretty good idea of the content of the documentary.

Robert spent a month in Israel in September of last year and has already done a lot of background research and visited many of the locations where we will film. I also remember Jerusalem very well from the time I spent there filming "Beyond Armageddon" in 1997. I am also already working on the scripts, so when we arrive in Israel we should be able to hit the ground running.

Robert will arrive from the U.S. a week early, so that he can get over jet lag and then start to set things up. Then I'll join him and we'll start to film footage for the documentaries. Then my son, Kingdom, will join us for the last 10 days to film all the 'on camera' narrations and interviews. We'll be sorting and editing the footage each night as we go along, so that when we return to Uganda, the post production stage should not take so long.

Please pray for this project and also donate towards the costs, if you can. These are documentaries that we would like to make freely available to all and will not be a commercial venture.

If anyone has any ideas to contribute, or you would like to do graphics for it, or whatever, please feel free to communicate.

Wow, I'm excited! The Lord is putting all the pieces in place for this to happen and I am sure that He is going to lead and guide and anoint these documentaries and make them a blessing to many!

God bless!




New Details Emerge on Rebuilt Altar of Jewish Holy Temple [PHOTOS]

By Ahuva Balofsky March 23, 2015 , 9:10 am

Do good in Thy favour unto Zion; build Thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then wilt Thou delight in the sacrifices of righteousness, in burnt-offering and whole offering; then will they offer bullocks upon Thine altar.” (Psalms 51: 20-21)

The altar built by the Temple Institute to be used in service in the rebuilt Third Jewish Temple. (Photo: The Temple Institute)

As Breaking Israel News reported earlier this month, the Temple Institute in Jerusalem has completed the construction of the stone altar required for the sacrificial service in the Holy Temple. In response to several inaccuracies in both the Hebrew and English media due to lack of information, the organization released its first detailed statement about the exciting event.

The altar was completed late in 2014, and officially inaugurated during the Institute’s public kindling ceremony for the Golden Menorah on the seventh night of the Hanukkah holiday, which fell on December 22.

Contrary to what was reported earlier, the height of the altar is not five meters (16 ft), but five amot, a Biblical measurement equivalent to roughly 2.35 meters (7.7 ft). Each amah measures 46-38 centimeters (18-19 inches). The ramp leading up to the altar is 16 amot long.

The altar built by the Temple Institute to be used in service in the rebuilt Third Jewish Temple. (Photo: The Temple Institute)

These measurements are in accordance with the opinion of Maimonides, the renowned medieval Jewish commentator and philosopher. This represents the smallest possible dimensions for a Kosher (permitted by Jewish law) functioning altar.

According to information released by the Temple Institute, since the Torah forbids the use of hewn stones in an altar (see Deuteronomy 27:5-6), it “consists of an outer frame of earthen bricks, oven-baked to withstand the extreme heat of the altar when in use. This outer frame is filled with natural stones, untouched by metal implements, as per Torah imperative. The outer brick frame is covered with a thin white plaster, as was done with the altar that stood in the Holy Temple courtyard.”

The base of the altar contains two portals for collecting the blood poured during animal sacrifices, in accordance with the Torah. It is also crowned with four raised corners, called horns by the Torah.

One thing that makes this altar unique is that it was designed to be disassembled and quickly reassembled in its correct position on the Temple Mount. According to the Temple Institute, “The people of Israel are required to build an altar exclusively on the site of the original altar on Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount. When circumstances become favorable, this new altar can be quickly re-assembled on the proper location, enabling the Divine service to be resumed without delay.”

The altar built by the Temple Institute to be used in service in the rebuilt Third Jewish Temple. (Photo: The Temple Institute)

The altar is temporarily on display at the Temple Institute, located in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, with most of its outer frame and the bottom edge of its base removed to show the inner filling stones. The entire altar project is part of the Institute’s goal of relearning the knowledge of the Temple service, thus its construction was for instructional as well as practical purposes.

The altar was designed by architect Shmuel Balzam, who is also drawing up the plans for the Third Temple. Those plans are the fruit of an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, which raised over $100,000 towards rebuilding the Temple Sanctuary. The preliminary stages of the project will be presented March 25, at an International Temple Mount Awareness Day event.


Jerusalem at boiling point of polarisation and violence – EU report

Exclusive: Leaked report says city more divided than at any time since 1967 and calls for consideration of tougher sanctions over settlement building

An ultra Orthodox Jewish man pauses in front of the al-Aqsa mosque in the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount complex. Photograph: Bernat Armangue/Associated Press

Peter Beaumont in Jerusalem

Friday 20 March 2015 09.13 EDT

Last modified on Saturday 21 March 2015 00.55 EDT

A hard-hitting EU report on Jerusalem warns that the city has reached a dangerous boiling point of “polarisation and violence” not seen since the end of the second intifada in 2005.

Calling for tougher European sanctions against Israel over its continued settlement construction in the city – which it blames for exacerbating recent conflict – the leaked document paints a devastating picture of a city more divided than at any time since 1967, when Israeli forces occupied the east of the city.

The report has emerged amid strong indications that the Obama administration is also rethinking its approach to Israel and the Middle East peace process following the re-election of Binyamin Netanyahu as Israel’s prime minister.

According to reports in several US papers, this may include allowing the passage of a UN security council resolution restating the principle of a two-state solution.

The leaked report describes the emergence of a “vicious cycle of violence … increasingly threatening the viability of the two-state solution”, which it says has been stoked by the continuation of “systematic” settlement building by Israel in “sensitive areas” of Jerusalem.

In addition, the report blames tension over the status of the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount complex as well as heavy-handed policing and punitive measures – including evictions and home demolitions by Israeli forces – for the escalating confrontation.

The document is prepared jointly every year by the heads of mission of the European countries represented in Jerusalem. The group advises EU foreign policymakers on the situation in the city while making recommendations for action.

The disclosure of the 2014 report – which suggests a series of potential punitive measures targeting extremist settlers and settlement products – comes days after Israeli elections which saw Netanyahu emerge as the decisive victor.

During the election campaign, Netanyahu vowed to continue settlement-building in occupied East Jerusalem in defiance of the international community, including the EU and Washington, which strongly oppose Jewish settlement construction in Jerusalem.

Netanyahu has also been criticised in parts of the international community for appearing to suggest his opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state on the eve of the vote – comments he appeared to row back from after winning the election.

For its part, Israel rejects the charge of illegal settlement-building in Jerusalem, claiming the city as its “undivided capital”.

Among the recommendations in the report are:

  • Potential new restrictions against “known violent settlers and those calling for acts of violence as regards immigration regulations in EU member states”.

  • Further coordinated steps to ensure consumers in the EU are able to exercise their right to informed choice in respect of settlement products in line with existing EU rules.

  • New efforts to raise awareness among European businesses about the risks of working with settlements, and the advancement of voluntary guidelines for tourism operators to prevent support for settlement business.

Some of the recommendations in the EU report

According to well-informed European sources, the report – now being discussed in Brussels – reflects a strong desire from European governments for additional measures against Israel over its continued settlement-building, and comes at a time when Europe is confronting “the new reality” of a new and potentially more rightwing Netanyahu government.

The report also follows a period of growing frustration within the EU over the moribund state of the peace process, which collapsed last year, and pressure to adopt a harder line over issues such as settlement-building.

Since Netanyahu’s victory on Tuesday, speculation has been mounting that both the US and the EU are looking for alternative and tougher strategies to push forward the stalled peace process.

The document paints a picture of a grim year of violence in Jerusalem that claimed the lives of 19 people, a total that includes a number of Palestinians involved in deadly attacks, the highest number of deaths in recent years.

Among the most high-profile incidents last year were the kidnap and murder of a young Palestinian from an East Jerusalem neighbourhood by Jewish extremists, a number of fatal attacks by Palestinians targeting Jews with cars, and a bloody attack on Jewish worshippers praying in a synagogue.

Describing Jerusalem as “one of the most emotive and problematic issues” in the Middle East peace process, the report says: “The tensions, mistrust and violence which have accompanied developments in the city in the course of the year have reached extremely high levels.

“These developments are increasingly threatening the viability of the two-state solution and, in turn, risk precipitating further levels of polarisation and violence.” In a bleak warning, the report continues: “2014 has been distinguished by a number of specific, disturbing and often violent developments” – noting a cycle of stone-throwing, terror attacks and heavy-handed tactics by Israeli police, which, if the root causes were not addressed, were likely to lead to “further escalation and extreme polarisation”.

“These incidents have occurred against the background of the systematic increase in settlement activity, tensions over the Haram al-Sharif and rising levels of tensions and acts of violence on both sides.” Placing part of the blame on Israel’s “unabated” policy of continued settlement construction, it adds: “The expansion of settlements has continued, including in highly sensitive areas … and [has] been followed in force by waves of demolitions and evictions.”

A second key factor identified by the report for the deteriorating security situation in Jerusalem is the continuing tensions over the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount complex, which it blames on “serious radicalisation” on both sides.

The report notes: “Almost on a daily basis settlers and national religious activists have ascended on to the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount under the protection of Israeli forces.”

Although the report concedes that Israel has reduced the size of these groups by two-thirds at the end of last year, and eased restrictions in place during parts of last year on Muslim worshippers, it warned that the perception still exists among Palestinians of a desire on Israel’s part to change the longstanding and sensitive status quo.

A third factor the report identifies as fuelling polarisation is the heavy-handed policing of Palestinian areas of east Jerusalem, where additional Israeli forces sent to quell disturbances “have been engaged in recurrent violent confrontations with Palestinian youth that led to more than 1,300 arrests (with 40% of the detainees being minors)”.

An Israeli government spokesman said on Friday: “This is so extremely one sided a report that it distorts reality beyond comprehension.”

The disclosure of the report follows hard on the heels of a letter sent by chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat to Federica Mogherini, the EU’s top representative on foreign policy, calling on the European Union to take a tougher stance against Israel.

In the letter, Erekat demanded: “We believe it is time to focus all our efforts in saving the two-state solution from its total disappearance through holding Israel accountable of its violations of international law.”



Meet Bibi’s New Tribulation-Courting, Jew-Converting, Demon-Exorcising American Allies


Netanyahu and Christian Zionists have long enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship. But with a new, more radical sect ascending within the movement, the marriage may be in trouble.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been one of the most beloved Israeli politicians in the history of Christian Zionism. It has been a religio-political match made in heaven, with Christian Right leaders providing Netanyahu with money in Israel and political clout in the U.S., and the Israeli leader putting up with an Evangelical end-times theology.

But while Netanyahu is still in office, his Christian Zionist dance partners have changed. They no longer adhere to the fantastical, but generally passive end-times theology from which Christian Zionism emerged. Today’s Christian Zionists hail from apostolic and prophetic movements such as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a demon-haunted new generation of American religio-politics, which may change the terms of the American-Israeli right-wing partnership in the bargain.

It was Jerry Falwell who brokered the unlikely political partnership between American fundamentalists and Israeli politicians during the administration of Menachem Begin, founder of the Likud Party. The evangelical end-time prophecy narrative—well captured in books like Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth and The Left Behind series co-authored by Tim LaHaye, one of the founders of the Moral Majority—was central to this alliance. In this interpretation of biblical prophecy, believers are raptured, or suddenly snatched to heaven, prior to the seven years before Jesus’ return, a time when the anti-Christ will rule over the earth in the Great Tribulation.

Today, the most prominent organization in Christian Zionism is Christians United for Israel (CUFI), led by controversial pastor John Hagee. CUFI has moved tens of millions of dollars from the U.S. to Israel, but is not required to disclose its activities because it is technically a church, registered in Texas as “CUFI Church Association” with a mission to “proclaim Christ to the world.” Hagee’s theology is somewhat consistent with Lindsey’s and LaHaye’s: In his fiery dispensationalist sermons, he teaches that the Rapture could take place at any minute.

While the futuristic end times prophecy narrative predicts a grim outcome for Jews, this is essentially a “passive” tale that requires supernatural intervention and that many Jewish leaders don’t take seriously. Often, they would literally laugh it off. One common joke is “When the Messiah comes, we’ll just ask if he’s been here before or not.”

According to the founder of the NAR, the nuclear meltdown at Fukushima was a result of the Japanese emperor having had sex with the sun goddess.

But Christian Zionism has recently been transformed by a new generation with a radically different theology that actively seeks to proselytize in Israel, Eastern Europe, and South America, and which promotes an aggressive Christian nationalism in the U.S. Today’s Christian Zionism is dominated by the Charismatic/Pentecostal sector of Christianity, with the NAR first and foremost. Several CUFI directors, past and present, are part of the NAR leadership, and NAR spokespeople have gained prominence in Christian Zionist circles.

Get to know the NAR: they are the future of the Christian Right. Their leaders describe themselves as modern day “apostles and prophets,” anointed by God to reform the church in preparation for the end times. This is a triumphalist theology, one in which the adherents believe they will exercise “dominion” over all of American society, be victorious over their opponents on earth, and convert all the Jews.

For fundamentalists like Jerry Falwell, the prerequisite for the second coming was the physical restoration of Israel or the return of unconverted Jews to modern day Israel. But for the apostles and prophets of the NAR, the prerequisite for the second coming is the spiritual restoration, or conversion of Jews to their brand of Christianity. The result has been the development of Messianic communities and missionary training centers around the world.

Moreover, while fundamentalists look to the scriptures for secret meaning in current events and messages from God, the modern-day apostles and prophets claim to be the bearers of God’s direct ongoing revelation. The results can be bizarre. The leading thinker of the NAR, C. Peter Wagner, stated on NPR in 2011 that the nuclear meltdown at Fukushima was a result of the Japanese emperor having had sex with the sun goddess, that there is “a lot of demonic control” in Congress (and that demons can possess entire cities as well), that it is important to cast spells to protect politicians from witchcraft, and that non-Christian religions “are part of the kingdom of darkness.” All in one hour with Terry Gross.

And yet, the NAR is not on the fringe, but at the center of today’s Republican Party. The Response, a massive Houston prayer event hosted by Rick Perry in 2011, was led by prominent NAR apostles and prophets joined by other Christian Right leaders. Perry’s event was patterned after and led by leaders from TheCall events hosted around the world by “prophet” Lou Engle and Mike Bickle, head of the International House of Prayer (IHOP). These events focus on fighting abortion and gay rights, and on proselytizing Jews in order to bring about the second coming. Engle’s events include one held in Jerusalem and another in Uganda, where local apostles in the movement spoke in support of the “Kill-the-Gays” bill then under consideration by the Ugandan Parliament.

Other Republican politicians have looked to this religio-political movement for support as well, including Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Sam Brownback, Duke Aiona of Hawaii, Katherine Harris of Florida, and many more. One of the NAR’s training centers, the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute (MJBI) in Dallas, featured President George W. Bush as the keynote speaker at its annual fundraising gala.

The NAR has steadily taken over the world of Christian Zionism. The “prayer for Israel” at Rick Perry’s event was not led by John Hagee but by Apostle Don Finto, the author of the classic text on supporting Messianic communities (i.e. converted Jews with NAR-style evangelical beliefs). Finto openly called for the conversion of Jews, and was joined by the rabbi of one of the nation’s most prominent Messianic congregations. This call for the conversion of Jews was repeated at a more recent similar event hosted in Louisiana by Gov. Bobby Jindal and also featuring NAR apostles.



Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days

SCIENTISTS conducting a mindbending experiment at the Large Hadron Collider next week hope to connect with a PARALLEL UNIVERSE outside of our own.


PUBLISHED: 14:49, Fri, Mar 20, 2015

Getty Collision course: Large Hadron Collider could discover parallel universe


The staggeringly complex LHC ‘atom smasher’ at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland, will be fired up to its highest energy levels ever in a bid to detect - or even create - miniature black holes.

If successful a completely new universe will be revealed – rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books too.

It is even possible that gravity from our own universe may ‘leak’ into this parallel universe, scientists at the LHC say.

The experiment is sure to inflame alarmist critics of the LHC, many of whom initially warned the high energy particle collider would spell the end of our universe with the creation a black hole of its own.

But so far Geneva remains intact and comfortably outside the event horizon.

Indeed the LHC has been spectacularly successful. First scientists proved the existence of the elusive Higgs boson ‘God particle’ - a key building block of the universe - and it is seemingly well on the way to nailing ‘dark matter’ - a previously undetectable theoretical possibility that is now thought to make up the majority of matter in the universe.

But next week’s experiment is considered to be a game changer.

Mir Faizal, one of the three-strong team of physicists behind the experiment, said: “Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist in a third dimension [height], parallel universes can also exist in higher dimensions.

“We predict that gravity can leak into extra dimensions, and if it does, then miniature black holes can be produced at the LHC.

"Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualised.

"This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science.

“This is not what we mean by parallel universes. What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions.

Getty Atom art: An image of two protons smashed together at the LHC

“As gravity can flow out of our universe into the extra dimensions, such a model can be tested by the detection of mini black holes at the LHC.

“We have calculated the energy at which we expect to detect these mini black holes in ‘gravity's rainbow’ [a new scientific theory].

“If we do detect mini black holes at this energy, then we will know that both gravity's rainbow and extra dimensions are correct."

When the LHC is fired up the energy is measured in Tera electron volts – a TeV is 1,000,000,000,000, or one trillion, electron Volts

So far, the LHC has searched for mini black holes at energy levels below 5.3 TeV.

But the latest study says this is too low.

Instead, the model predicts that black holes may form at energy levels of at least 9.5 TeV in six dimensions and 11.9 TeV in 10 dimensions.


Dispatch Times

LHC’s start-up delayed for a few weeks by short circuit mishap at CERN headquarters


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ought to have been up and running by now and churning out answers to hundreds of waiting experiments, but this is not to be for a few more days or even weeks because a metal piece decided to short circuit the success of its reawakening after nearly two years in limbo.

The CERN headquarters would have been a beehive of activities by now following the scheduled reawakening of the LHC machine, but a piece of metal stuck in one of its magnetic components has necessitated the delay of the startup by a few more days.

“Any cryogenic machine is a time amplifier, so what would have taken hours in a warm machine could end up taking us weeks,” said CERN Director for Accelerators Frédérick

Europe’s multibillion dollar Large Hadron Collider and the world’s largest particle smasher went down two years ago, and it has been undergoing repair work and upgrading services and ought to have been fired up now but for the unforeseen mishap.

“All the signs are good for a great run 2. In the grand scheme of things, a few weeks delay in humankind’s quest to understand our universe is little more than the blink of an eye,” said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer.

Without letting this deter them or dampen them in any way, engineers are back at work resolving the technical issue and scientists are doing last-minute assessment of their experiments before the LHC machine is up for use again soon; and this time, it will be fired up to serve scientists for countless years to come.




March 24, 2015 by Tom Horn


Six-Toed Giants, Fallen Angels, And The Portals They Came Through

After a week on the road, having covered hundreds of miles of reservations to walk amidst their multiple ruins including hogans, temples, and kivas, to follow guides and visit with a medicine man, not to mention tracking down and photographing petroglyphs, we were finally on our way to the last site we would visit—one that our Cherokee guide had told us not to miss.

We’d already collected enough pictogram and logogram images from ancient rock engravings throughout the Four Corners area to make our case and to calculate for our purposes a recurring theme, which definitely seemed to match the Middle Eastern and biblical stories of portals, reptilians, fallen angels, giants, and the havoc these played on the old world. But this final petroglyph was important, our guide had said, and one we could drive right up to. So, we decided to make one final excursion, this time into Utah, fifty miles north of Moab, where one of the largest known collections of petroglyphs is located in San Juan County. The “storyboard” we would visit there etched in sandstone began as early as one thousand years before Christ, and it records practically every element contained in the upcoming SkyWatchTV Special Investigative Report and the new book On The Path Of The Immortals—from spiral vortices and those who come through them to human-animal chimeras and even giant, six-fingered and six-toed footprints in pursuit of much smaller five-fingered and five-toed humans. Even that reptilian with his halo is drawn here, just a couple feet away from alien-looking, bug-eyed creatures. This location is also (again, a great thing for any reader) easier to get to than most of the ones we trekked to, yet it’s as important if not more so than other petroglyphs you could spend days hiking over miles of rough terrain to reach. (But again, if you can, I recommend that you do visit the Four Corners, get a hiking permit or a guide, and see as much as you can of what I started calling the “Anasazi Trail,” as much of this area includes evidence of a former time, in my opinion, an era when civilizations worldwide were suddenly and dramatically interrupted by those beings depicted on the Anasazi’s Utah wall.)

The Newspaper Rock Petroglyph, as this one is known, is somewhat decipherable as to which images are older due to the fading and darkness of the earliest depictions (which are certainly the most mysterious, with their alien-looking heads, suits, and what might be some type of craft), and archaeologists believe the writing on this great wall continued from 1000 BC or earlier up until about AD 1300—the same time the Anasazi suddenly disappeared.

Allie Anderson gathers commentary on ancient petroglyphs for upcoming SkyWatch TV Special Report.

But the National Parks sign admits:

There are no known methods of dating rock art. In interpreting the figures on the rock, scholars are undecided as to their meaning or have yet to decipher them. Unfortunately, we do not know if the figures represent story-telling, doodling, hunting magic, clan symbols, ancient graffiti or something else.

I suggest “something else” is exactly what they tell us based on redundancy of the same story told all around the world. The Anasazi, who disappeared when the habit of writing on this tablet also suddenly ceased, used images and symbols similar to those found globally that connect to a first, and second, incursion of giants and the mountainous gateways their creators came through.

And it wasn’t just me who immediately saw this story on the wall as a biblical one told through ancient American eyes. I could see it on Carl Olafsen and Allie Anderson’s faces too—my chief investigators—after we finished filming, packed up our drone (which we had been using to gather aerial film), and started the long drive back to our hotel. As I drove, I glanced at Carl in the rearview mirror, and I could see that he especially was deep in thought. Soon, he got a notepad out and began writing something, which later he gave me at the hotel. It said:

Looking on that last petroglyph I could see a multitude of antique memos: the spiral that Dr. Mose had explained, the reptile with the halo at its head, footprints of animals, footprints of people…suddenly I stopped. There was a path of human footprints, each holding exactly five toes, alongside a path of giant human footprints…the larger sets carrying six toes! I was reminded of 1 Chronicles 20:6:

And there was again war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number, and he also was descended from the giants.

Why would Native Americans concoct the same anomalous physiology as the ancient Hebrews on the other side of the world? While polydactylism certainly does not indicate someone is a Nephilim, accounts of giants with an extra digit on both sides of the Atlantic suggests a genetic relationship. On other places within the ancient figures was a more mystifying anomaly: There were strange, reptilian, humanoid shapes with bulbous heads and large, almond-shaped eyes. The oldest and most desert-varnished of them was a humanoid shape with what appeared to be an antennae coming off the head or helmet. Other humanoid shapes had horn-like features coming off their distorted human heads. One—the oldest appearing outline—appeared to be holding a disc-like object or a weapon of some kind and stood near a shape that had a square object affixed to the top of a shoulder-high post.

What could these figures have been left to communicate to future travelers? What were the motives behind the painstaking, time-consuming efforts of these messages? And where did the Anasazi go? Archaeologists theorize that the Anasazi were just absorbed into the Navajo and Hopi Tribes. But we were told in the Hogan [by Dr. Mose] that the tribes looked for them and could not find them. They tracked them to the Chaco valley but they were gone. The tribes mourned them and cried. Chaco means “to cry.” The oral history knows they just disappeared.

The question is…where, and why?

Carl Olafsen with Allie Anderson and Tom Horn at the entrance to an Anasazi ruins.

Carl Olafsen’s quizzical response to all we had seen—this final petroglyph included—is the same head-scratching response that generations who have stood where we did during our investigation must have felt. Yet I, for one, believe the answer was right in front of their and my team’s eyes that day (they do, too, after contemplating the evidence).The ancient ruins of the Anasazi date to megalithic ruins elsewhere in the world, and all seem to have the same fingerprints (and six-toed footprints!) of the giants all over them. That being true, if you take only the images that the Anasazi left behind and compare them to similar (and in some cases, identical) universal symbols found elsewhere around the world where the stories and meanings of the images have been made clear, and keeping in mind that these legends materialized globally at approximately the same time, it is more likely than not in my opinion that the universal story agrees with the record of every major culture of the ancient world in which the astonishingly consistent legends of “gods” were recorded as descending from Heaven and/or coming through spiral vortices to materialize in bodies of flesh.

From Rome to Greece—and before that, to Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer—the earliest records of civilization tell of the era when powerful beings known to the Hebrews as Watchers and in the book of Genesis as the benei ha-elohim (sons of God) mingled themselves with humans, giving birth to part-celestial, part-terrestrial hybrids known as nephilim. The Bible says this happened when men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them. When the sons of God saw the women’s beauty, they took wives from among them to sire their unusual offspring.[i]

I believe a record of this first incursion of hybrid humans and six-toed giants is recorded in Genesis 6:4, which says:

There were giants in the earth in those days [the first incursion before the Flood]; and also after that [after the Flood, the second incursion], when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. (emphasis added)

Note that when the Torah (Genesis through Deuteronomy, the first five books of the Bible) was written around BC 1300, this would have been the same time when archaeologists believe the Anasazi, across the world from those Bible lands, were drawing giant, six-toed footprints on a slab wall in Utah and facing “an alien enemy” as the name “Anasazi” implies. When the writings in the Torah are compared with other ancient texts, including Enoch, Jubilees, Baruch, Genesis Apocryphon, Philo, Josephus, Jasher, Jubilees, and many others (not counting the accounts of the American Indian tribes on this side of the world), it is clear that this is more than a legend—it is history, a chronicle told through different peoples’ methods and worldviews involving giants suddenly infesting the entire world, being wiped out in a flood, then somehow returning in a second incursion. This story was written down globally, from Hebrew scrolls to Indian petroglyphs, to provide the oldest recorded testament of part-human, part-angelic creatures, who were in turn the offspring of hideous reptilian entities (or what the apocryphal book of Enoch calls fallen Watchers). In the upcoming book On The Path Of The Immortals, you will read Cris Putnam’s extensive research into this area including analysis of documents found in Cave 4 among the Dead Sea Scrolls, which describe a Watcher named Melkiresha in the form of a terrifying reptilian whose looks “were frightening like those of a viper, and…he was extremely dark…and his face was like that of an adder.” Is Melkiresha or his fallen cohorts the same as those halo-bearing reptiles that led the Anasazi to destruction? There is reason to believe they were, and, after much comparison, I propose as reasonably justified the translation of the traditional Indian creation stories told to us by the Navajo Nation’s medicine man and that was repeated from our Cherokee guide and Apache representative, which the Anasazi’s petroglyphs confirm:

1. In the beginning, the great creator made everything.

2. Powerful reptilians then came down from Heaven through portals (the spiral, halo, and reptilian symbols) to deceive the world, and the world fell into darkness. This is also hinted in one of the meanings of the word Anasazi (“an alien enemy”).

3. Portals (represented in ancient spiral symbolism beside giant, six-toed footprints and horned, humanoid figures) opened at this time and alien “gods,” monsters, and giants came through them. Some of these giants had six fingers and six toes (just as described in the Old Testament).

4. The creator destroyed the monsters and giants in a great flood.

5. Yet the giants and reptilian deceivers returned, though not in the same numbers as had been before the flood. They turned the people to sorcery, cannibalism, and human sacrifice (as did the plumed serpents of the Mesoamerican Maya and Aztec).

One of the many petroglyphs that depict the reptilian with a halo, an ancient alien enemy that misled the Anasazi through some type of mind control.

The Anasazi depicted various six-toed giant footprints among regular five-toed hand- and footprints in the petroglyphs.

Of course, one has to wonder what happened to the remains of the giants in America and whether the Smithsonian Institution actually participated in a cover-up (as some have alleged) in making a deliberate effort to hide the giants’ remains (which would inconvenience the theory of evolution, which they celebrate) as they were discovered in early American archaeological digs. Vine Deloria, a Native American author and professor of law, sounds suspicious that this conspiracy theory may be true. He says:

Modern day archaeology and anthropology have nearly sealed the door on our imaginations, broadly interpreting the North American past as devoid of anything unusual in the way of great cultures characterized by a people of unusual demeanor [giants].

The great interloper of ancient burial grounds, the nineteenth century Smithsonian Institution, created a one-way portal, through which uncounted bones have been spirited.

This door and the contents of its vault are virtually sealed off to anyone, but government officials. Among these bones may lay answers not even sought by these officials concerning the deep past.[ii]

Does the Smithsonian Institution have an Indiana Jones-like large warehouse somewhere with aisles of American giants’ remains locked away? It’s possible. I personally have dozens and dozens of old newspaper clippings published when skeletons of unusual size—ten feet tall and more—were being dug up across the United States. I have so many of these, it could be a book all by itself, and these articles lend support to the legends of when vicious giants were worldwide. While David was fighting them on one side of the world, the Anasazi may have been building cliff dwellings in America to avoid them, and their petroglyphs also harmonize with that story. But the Anasazi evidence is not alone. Locations around the world that seem to connect to what I have called the “second incursion” of giants that came after the great Flood are prevalent.

But what about evidence that points to the presence of portals-interloping reptilian entities and their giant offspring from the first incursion before the Flood? It exists and is global. Cris Putnam and I look into this evidence in the upcoming book On The Path Of The Immortals that even includes information connected to the portals/stargates “technology” records, raising the bigger question: Should the cliff dwellings of the Anazasi, the ruins of Göbekli Tepe, the gigantic stones of Baalbek and hundreds of other such locations around the world be understood as remnants of a first and second incursion of earth by portals-traversing reptilian immortals and their gigantic offspring? I believe the answer in many instances is yes. There is physical proof they were here, and by the time you reach the end of our upcoming book, you will most likely believe they are also set to return in force.

In the next entry, we move to the southwestern corner of Anasazi portal territory, to Sedona, Arizona, where Cris Putnam and his team ran into a few odd “things” they didn’t expect, even filming what might be one of them just before being buzzed by a gigantic v-shaped craft, which we also caught on exclusive footage.


[i] Thomas Horn, Zenith 2016 (Defender Publishing, Crane, MO, 2013) 194

[ii] This Land: America 2,000 B. C. to 500 A. D. (Google eBook) Wayne N. May Hayriver Press, Jun 18, 2012, 220



Netanyahu sank into the moral gutter – and there will be consequences

Jonathan Freedland

Israel’s prime minister won re-election with a combination of belligerence and bigotry. His opposition to a Palestinian state is a stance the world should not accept

Netanyahu waves to supporters on the eve of the election: ‘What made his emphatic win so dispiriting were the depths he plumbed to secure victory.’ Photograph: Abir Sultan/EPA

Friday 20 March 2015 15.44 EDT

Last modified on Saturday 21 March 2015 05.30 EDT

he result was not the worst of it. Indeed, buried in the detailed numbers of this week’s Israeli election were odd crumbs of consolation. No, what made Binyamin Netanyahu’s emphatic win so dispiriting were the depths he plumbed to secure victory.

He made two moves in his desperate, and ultimately successful, effort to woo back those Israeli rightists who had drifted from Likud into the hands of more minor nationalist parties. Netanyahu reassured them that they could forget the lip service of the past few years, the diplomatic niceties he had served up since returning as prime minister in 2009: there would be no Palestinian state on his watch.

On election day itself, he sank lower still. In a Facebook video, he posed in front of a map of the Middle East, as if in a war room, and used the idiom of military conflict to warn that “Arab voters are advancing in large numbers towards voting places” and that this was “a call-up order” for Likud supporters to head to the polling stations.

It’s worth pausing to digest the full meaning of that move. The enemy against whom Netanyahu was seeking to rally his people was not Islamic State or massed foreign armies, or even the Palestinians of the West Bank or Gaza. He was speaking of the 20% of the Israeli electorate that is Palestinian: Arabs who were born in, live in and are citizens of Israel. A prime minister was describing the democratic participation of one-fifth of the country he governs in the language of a military assault to be beaten back.

Imagine if a US president broadcast such a message, warning the white electorate that black voters were heading to the polls in “large numbers”. Or if a European prime minister said: “Quick, the Jews are voting!” This is the moral gutter into which Netanyahu plunged just to get elected.

It worked. Not because it won fresh recruits to the right camp, but because it summoned disenchanted hawks back home. That’s the small consolation. The numbers suggest Israel did not lurch rightwards on Tuesday. Indeed, the nationalist and religious right bloc merely held steady, gaining just one seat. Netanyahu’s success came by recutting that pie to give himself a bigger slice.

But it is a cold comfort. For the Likud leader was able to siphon off votes from the far right by absorbing its message of belligerence and bigotry. Some will say that’s hardly new. Only the naive could look at Netanyahu’s nine years in office (spread over three decades) and conclude he was ever serious about either equality or the pursuit of a two-state solution. But now we have his explicit word, confirming that everything his harshest critics said of him was true.

The result is despair – in liberal Tel Aviv, where Bibi’s Labor challenger, Isaac Herzog, topped the poll; in foreign capitals, who will note that Netanyahu has now officially disavowed the near-universally preferred solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict; and in the Jewish diaspora, which has long clung to the hope that Israel at least wants to end the post-1967 occupation, even if it has still not managed to do it.

Mindful of the damage his win-at-all-costs moves had wrought, Netanyahu lost no time trying to unsay what he had said. In his victory speech, he promised to be prime minister of all Israelis, Jewish and non-Jewish alike. And in a US TV interview on Thursday, he insisted that he does want a “sustainable, peaceful two-state solution” after all, so long as “circumstances” change.

But it’s too late. I know of at least one European leader who now says privately that Netanyahu’s “credibility is shot” and that “no one will want to work with him”. And in the fellowship of world leaders, that will not be a minority view.

How then should those outside Israel react? Some will seize on the disavowal of two states to push instead for their favoured option: a so-called one-state solution. It sounds both simple and enlightened, everyone living together under one roof, with one person, one vote. But as the Palestinian-Israeli writer Sayed Kashua argued powerfully this week, any conceivable path to such a destination would be “grounded in the trampling of the Palestinians”.

The more obvious objection is the one summarised by the Israeli novelist and veteran anti-occupation activist Amos Oz: “After one hundred years of blood, tears and disasters, it is impossible to expect Israelis and Palestinians to jump suddenly into a double bed and begin a honeymoon.”

And yet we cannot go back to mouthing the same old platitudes about two states, not when we’ve heard Israel’s leader admit he has no intention of allowing any such thing.

The right response is surely to match Netanyahu’s honesty with our own. In this regard, the Obama administration has already performed better than Europe. While EU diplomats greeted Netanyahu’s victory with the same tired formulas, invoking a nonexistent peace process, Washington voiced its displeasure at Netanyahu’s “divisive rhetoric” and let it be known that it was ready to make things uncomfortable.

Until now, Washington has always acted as Israel’s diplomatic protector, blocking hostile resolutions at the UN and the like. Now the White House, still smarting over Netanyahu’s Republican address to a Republican Congress, wants to remind Netanyahu that such support is not unconditional. The core message, and it should not be delivered by the US alone, would be simple. It would say, of course the world has to respect the decision of the Israeli electorate. But if this is the path Israel is taking, there will be consequences. If Israel is effectively ruling out a Palestinian state – and given that it rejects a one-state solution whereby Israel absorbs millions of Palestinians and gives them the vote – then it has committed itself to maintaining the status quo, permanently ruling over another people and denying them basic democratic rights. And that is a position the world cannot accept.

Such a stance might entail US withdrawal of diplomatic cover. It might mean tougher European sanctions of the kind proposed in Friday’s EU report on settlement activity in East Jerusalem. It could mean a growing shift towards divestment and sanctions, targeted at the occupation, without the polarising tactic of boycott that tends to alienate as many potential supporters as it recruits.

Whatever form they take, there will be consequences for Netanyahu’s actions. He was ready to sink to a new low to save his skin, but it will be Israelis – and their Palestinian neighbours – who pay the price.



Daily Mail

Sinkholes threaten banks of Dead Sea: Thousands of pits open up as salt lake dries up due to overuse of water

  • Environmental group estimates there are 3,000 sinkholes beside Dead Sea

  • It claim that new sink holes are on the banks appearing almost every day

  • They say the lake is being over exploited causing it to drop by 4 feet a year

  • Fresh water is being drawn into salt pockets left behind by receding lake

  • This dissolves the underground salt, causing the earth above to collapse


PUBLISHED: 11:38 EST, 20 March 2015 | UPDATED: 13:29 EST, 20 March 2015

The banks of the Dead Sea are under threat from soaring numbers of sinkholes that are appearing as the salt lake dries up, an environmental group has warned.

EcoPeace Middle East estimates that there are more than 3,000 sinkholes now along the banks of the salt lake, which is bordered by Israel and Jordan.

Water evaporation from the lake - which is occurring at nearly four feet per year - drawing freshwater into the pockets of salt left behind by the lake.

Environmental groups report that there are now more than 3,000 sinkholes, shown above filled with water, along the banks of the main body of the Dead Sea, caused by the loss of water from the giant salt lake

As the salt dissolves in the fresh water, it causes the earth above it to collapse.

Gidon Bromberg, director of EcoPeace Middle East claims that the appearance of the sinkholes has been accelerating in recent years.

As a result, the Sea’s water surface area has been reduced by one third: from roughly 950 square kilometers to 637 square kilometers today.

The water level continues to drop at an alarming pace of 0.8 to 1.2 meters per year.

The significant decline of the water level over the past 30 years is due to diversion of water from the Jordan River and from the Dead Sea itself due to population increase.

The first one appeared in the 1980s, by 1990 there were 40 and by 2005 there were 1,000 holes.

Now, Mr Bromberg says, a new sinkhole is appearing almost every day.

Speaking to ABC News, Mr Bromberg said: 'These sink holes are a direct result of the inappropriate mismanagement of water resources in the region.

'They could develop overnight or over time, making them unpredictable and very dangerous.'

Mr Bromberg and his colleagues believe the rate of these sinkholes appearing has been increased by the construction of dams and reservoirs beside the lake.

Water is also pumped from the lake to be evaporated so that minerals such as potash and bromide can be extracted.

Water is also pumped from the lake to help maintain the pools that sit outside the spa hotels that attract tourists from around the world.

Sitting nearly 1,300ft below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest inland area in the world and has a salinity of almost 33 per cent.

These sinkholes appeared in the fields in south east corner of the Dead Sea near to the Lisan Peninsula

It has historically been maintained by a flow of fresh water from rivers and streams that have equaled the water is loses to evaporation in the scorching heat - about 160 billion gallons a year.

Now the Dead Sea is thought to receive less than 10 per cent of the water it needs to maintain its size and it has declined from being 50 miles long in the 1950s to around 30 miles long today.

Warning signs now dot the shores of the lake to highlight the danger of the open pits that have been appearing as a result of the sea's shrinkage.

Mr Bromberg fears that the sinkholes may soon start posing a threat to the roads and infrastructure that run alongside the Dead Sea.

Israel's Transportation Ministry had to close down a stretch of its Route 90 in January after several metres on its eastern side sank by two inches.




Bill Federer relates inspiration behind Bach's mighty works

Published: March 21, 2015


Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was born March 21, 1685. By age 10 his parents had died. At 18, Bach was a church organist, then held positions in royal courts.

In 1717, Bach was imprisoned because a duke in the city of Weimar did not want him employed elsewhere. Widowed with 7 children, he remarried and had 13 more.

Considered the “master of masters,” Johann Sebastian Bach’s works include:

  • Jesus, Meine Freude (Jesus, My Joy!)

  • Passion According to St. Matthew

  • Christen, ätzet diesen Tag (Christians, engrave this day)

  • Easter Oratorio

  • Bach wrote more than 300 sacred cantatas, including:

  • Christ lag in Todes Banden (Christ lay in death’s bonds)

  • Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (A mighty fortress is our God)

  • Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (God’s Time is the very best Time)

  • Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (Sleepers Awake)

In “The Story of Mankind,” 1921, Hendrik Willem van Loon wrote: “By the middle of the 18th century the musical life of Europe was in full swing. Then there came forward a man who was greater than all others, a simple organist of the Thomas Church of Leipzig, by the name of Johann Sebastian Bach. In his compositions for every known instrument … to the most stately of sacred hymns and oratorios, he laid the foundation for all our modern music. When he died in the year 1750 he was succeeded by Mozart … then Ludwig van Beethoven.”

While serving as cantor at Thomas Church of Leipzig, Bach taught Luther’s Small Catechism. He stated: “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul. If heed is not paid to this, it is not true music but a diabolical bawling and twanging.”

On Feb. 22, 1990, President George H.W. Bush stated: “The Bible has had a critical impact upon the development of Western civilization. Western literature, art, and music are filled with images and ideas that can be traced to its pages.”

Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson wrote in McCollum v. Board of Education, 1948: “It would not seem practical to teach either practice or appreciation of the arts if we are to forbid exposure of youth to any religious influences. Music without sacred music would be incomplete, even from a secular point of view.”

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The stars in the sky 'sing'


MAR. 25, 2015, 3:47 PM

The surface of a star is a volatile place. Constantly in motion, a star's exterior flows with plasma and often accumulates new materials, which are drawn in by the star's immense gravitational pull.

Well it turns out these chaotic activities may produce a very distinctive sound on the star's surface. That's right: The stars make their own tunes! But alas, we poor humans will never hear it directly.

According to physicists, such a sound would have a frequency 6 million times higher than what any mammal could hear. Plus, space is a vacuum, so even if you had super-human ears that could discern such a frequency, the sound wouldn't be able to travel to them.

Researchers inadvertently stumbled upon this acoustic revelation while analyzing how plasma moves when hit with an ultra-intense laser.

Just a trillionth of a second after the laser strikes, the plasma disperses quickly, moving from areas of high density to areas of low density. However, this rapid movement creates a bit of a bottleneck, causing plasma to build up between the high- and low-density areas.

The resulting pressure buildup and collisions between the plasma's ions generated a series of sound wave pulsations with frequencies of nearly a trillion hertz. By comparison, dolphins and bats, some of Earth's best listeners, can only hear 100,000 hertz. Humans can hear just up to 20,000 hertz.

According to John Pasley, a physicist from the University of York and one of the scientists on the project, perhaps the only location in nature where such plasma interaction (and resulting acoustic generation) could be seen is on a star's surface.

"When they are accumulating new material stars could generate sound in a very similar manner to that which we observed in the laboratory – so the stars might be singing." However, material accretion is usually only seen in younger stars, so it's likely that our mature Sun has lost its voice.

(Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all ye stars and light. Psalm 148:3

The stars shined in their watches, and rejoiced: when he calleth them, they say, Here we be; and so with cheerfulness they shewed light unto him that made them. Baruch 3:34 (Apocrypha)

O ye stars of heaven, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. Daniel 3:40

When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 38:7)



The US House of Representatives Openly Calls for Regime Change in Moscow

The US House Resolution to send lethal arms to Ukraine also calls for a long-term strategy for the overthrow of Vladimir Putin

Alex Christoforou March 25, 2015

Aside from the usually Congressional lust for war so as to secure their billions in military industrial complex campaign donations (slush funds), the key part of the House's bill, calling for lethal aid to Ukraine, has noting to do with Ukraine at all.

The resolution gets to the root of what America's elite really want...the dismantling, and subsequent resource plundering of the Russian Federation.

As taken from the US House Resolution:

Whereas the United States and its allies need a long-term strategy to expose and challenge Vladimir Putin’s corruption and repression at home and his aggression abroad;

Let that sink in for a second. The United States Congress has put, in writing, their goal to formulate a

"long term strategy" to challenge the democratically elected President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

What would the US say if Russia's Duma or China's National Assembly voted through a resolution that stated a need to implement a...

long term strategy to expose and challenge President Barack Obama's corruption (trillions of lobbying dollars for political influence) and repression at home (police violence, NSA spying) and his aggression abroad (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Venezuela, Syria, Ukraine)."


Congress Demands War in Ukraine! Written by Daniel McAdams.

Just weeks after a European-brokered ceasefire greatly reduced the violence in Ukraine, the US House of Representatives today takes a big step toward re-igniting -- and expanding -- the bloody civil war.

A Resolution, "Calling on the President to provide Ukraine with military assistance to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity," stealthily made its way to the House Floor today without having been debated in the relevant House Committees and without even being given a bill number before appearing on the Floor!

Now titled H. Res. 162, the bill demands that President Obama send lethal military equipment to the US-backed government in Kiev and makes it clear that the weapons are to be used to take military action to return Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine to Kiev's rule.

Congress wants a war in Ukraine and will not settle for a ceasefire!

The real world effect of this Resolution must be made clear: The US Congress is giving Kiev the green light to begin a war with Russia, with the implicit guarantee of US backing. This is moral hazard on steroids and could well spark World War III.

The Resolution conveniently ignores that the current crisis in Ukraine was ignited by the US-backed coup which overthrew the elected government of Viktor Yanukovych. The secession of Crimea and eastern Ukraine were a reaction to the illegal coup engineered by US officials such as Victoria Nuland and Geoff Pyatt. Congress instead acts as if one morning the Russians woke up and decided to invade Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

There is no mention at all of US backing for the coup -- or even that a coup took place!

Indeed, a read of the Resolution shows it is revisionism par excellence:

Whereas the Russian Federation under President Vladimir Putin has engaged in relentless political, economic, and military aggression to subvert the independence and violate the territorial integrity of Ukraine; ... Whereas Russian aggression against Ukraine is but the most visible and recent manifestation of a revisionist Kremlin strategy to redraw international borders and impose its will on its neighbors, including NATO allies;

Shamefully, the resolution pins the blame for the thousands killed by Kiev's shelling of civilian centers in eastern Ukraine on Russia:

Whereas this Russian aggression includes the establishment and control of violent separatist proxies in other areas of Ukraine, including arming them with lethal weapons and other materiel including tanks, artillery, and rockets that have enabled separatist militias to launch and sustain an insurrection that has resulted in over 6,000 dead, 15,000 wounded, and more than a million displaced persons;

The Resolution goes even further, explicitly calling for the US to support regime change in Russia itself:

Whereas the United States and its allies need a long-term strategy to expose and challenge Vladimir Putin’s corruption and repression at home and his aggression abroad;

"Expose and challenge" the elected Russian president at home.

During the Floor debate on the Resolution, Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) even compared Russian "action" in Ukraine to Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia, demanding that this time the "Hitler" must be stopped before he goes further!

Not a single Member of Congress took the Floor to oppose this dangerous Resolution.

Passage of this Resolution should make it clear that the political leadership of the US will accept nothing short of war with Russia.

Update: The Resolution passed in the House, 348-48.



Zero Hedge

Saudi Arabia Imposes Naval Blockade On Red Sea Strait, Deploys 150,000 Troops As Iran Condemns Military Action

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/26/2015 07:51 -0400

As noted earlier, the biggest significance of any Yemen conflict has little to do with its own domestic oil production, which at 133,000 bpd is negligible, but due to its location, which not only shares a border with Saudi Arabia, but more importantly due to the Bab el-Mandeb strait which connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden: it is the fourth-biggest shipping chokepoint in the world by volume (3.8 million barrels a day of oil and petroleum products flowed through it in 2013) and is just 18 miles wide at its narrowest point. It’s located between Yemen, Djibouti, and Eritrea, and connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea.

And since to Saudi Arabia preserving the logistics of oil supply is critical, it is hardly surprising that as Egypt's Ahram Gate reported earlier, the Saudi-led Firmness Storm coalition imposed a naval blockade on Bab El-Mandab strait earlier today. The Saudi navy's western fleet has also secured Yemen's main ports including Aden and Midi.

It is not just Saudi Arabia: moments ago Reuters reported that four Egyptian naval vessels have crossed the Suez Canal en route to Yemen to secure the Gulf of Aden, maritime sources at the Suez Canal said on Thursday. The sources said they expected the vessels to reach the Red Sea by Thursday evening.

The naval blockade is just part of what so far has been mostly an air-based proxy war. As Al Arabia reported previously, as part of the "Decisive Storm" coalition against the Yemen rebels, Saudi Arabia has deployed at least 150,000 soldiers in preparation for what appears to be a land assault next, an assault that already has the preemptive blessing of the US. As a reminder, Saudi Arabia will be fighting US-armed rebels, but that's a different story.

Just as importantly, and since as we reported first yesterday the Yemen conflict is merely a proxy war between the Saudis and Iran, we also now have reports that Iran has condemned Saudi Arabia's intervention, is demanding an immediate halt to the military action, and has warned that a war on Yemen won't be contained in one area.

From Reuters:

Iran demanded an immediate halt to Saudi-led military operations in Yemen on Thursday and said it would make all necessary efforts to control the crisis there, Iranian news agencies reported.

"The Saudi-led air strikes should stop immediately and it is against Yemen's sovereignty," the Students News Agency quoted Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif as saying. "We will make all efforts to control the crisis in Yemen," Zarif said, according to the agency's report from the Swiss city of Lausanne where he is negotiating with six world powers to resolve a years-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

Earlier on Thursday, the Foreign Ministry in Tehran called for an end to the military operation.

"Iran wants an immediate halt to all military aggressions and air strikes against Yemen and its people," Fars quoted Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham as saying.

"Military actions in Yemen, which faces a domestic crisis, ... will further complicate the situation ... and will hinder efforts to resolve the crisis through peaceful ways."

Prior to that, Bloomberg cited the head of the Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy committee, who told Iran's Fars News Agency that Saudi Arabia’s strikes on Yemen will haunt the kingdom as war won’t be contained,

So as the proxy war snags more and more countries, threatens to become less proxy, more war and much more global, keep an eye on Russia which is caught in that "other" proxy war from 2014 and which is also going nowhere fast. Because if and when Russia and China pick sides and get involved, that's when it may be a good time to take a vacation far away from any major metropolitan areas.


Natural News

Why Greece is the lynchpin that could unleash economic collapse, domestic martial law and global war

Monday, March 23, 2015

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) I wish I could download to your brain everything you need to know about the European Crisis unfolding right now. The possibility of the breakup of the European Union could be the spark that sets off the global debt implosion that leads to violent conflict across the globe.

The actions of Greece, it turns out, could set off a chain reaction that leads directly to a Wall Street panic and the "bail-in" seizure of your savings accounts at your favorite hometown bank. It could also radically destabilize Eastern Europe, heightening the risk for conflict between Russia and Western European nations (including NATO members like the United States).

To understand why this is, we first need to grasp the basics of European history. The average American, unfortunately, knows virtually nothing about European history. But that might be asking too much, since the average American also knows nothing about American history, either. Fortunately, this article is written for exceptional Americans who are far better informed than the average Joe.

Socialism keeps running out of other people's money

Greece is bankrupt. Like all socialist states, it has "run out of other people's money," and in this case the "other people" are primarily the German people. Modern-day Germany is the economic miracle of Europe, having risen out of the ashes of World War II, defeated and shamed, to reclaim its role as the single most powerful nation in Europe. What Germany once commanded with its military might, it now commands with its economic miracle machine.

The German people are smart, diligent, innovative and quality-minded. But they've grown weary of bailing out the miserably inefficient government spending of Greece and what they see as a "culture of incompetence and corruption" in that nation. (Can you blame them?) When Germany demanded Greece cut its government spending through austerity programs, the Greek people elected a radical, inexperienced new government into power that declared the austerity cuts to be implausible and refused to play ball with Europe's central bankers.

Right now, Germany and Greece are in a dangerous game of chicken, with Greece saying it won't repay its debt obligations to European banks because those very same central banks functioned as criminals that unfairly exploited the Greek economy through dishonest imperialist debt schemes. Yes, there's a long story here involving Goldman Sachs, mafia banksters and dastardly financial ploys that crippled Greece's economic future, but that's all too much for this short article.

A Greek exit could unravel a cascade of debt

At stake here is the future of the European Union. If Greece pulls out -- a scenario now called a "Grexit" -- most observers believe the European Union will crumble soon after. To call such an outcome catastrophic is a vast understatement. It could cause a massive global unwinding of debt-ridden nations and their banks, potentially leading to a cascading global debt collapse that would very quickly find its way to American shores.

First, as the collapse spread like a virus across Europe, capital would flee to the U.S., causing an unprecedented blowout skyrocketing of U.S. stocks. Soon after, the U.S. stock market would crash hard as even U.S. banks become insolvent due to their exposure to the cascade of European bank failures. (All the globalist banks are fatally intertwined at this point...)

But this isn't even the interesting part yet: Greece is now correctly asserting that Germany has never repaid its war debts to Greek central banks. During the war, the Nazi regime forced the Greek banks to loan it money (at gunpoint, the same way the CDC wants to force Americans to take vaccine shots). These loans accrued over many decades, never being repaid. Instead of repaying the debt, Germany's politicians have attempted to memory hole the issue, pretending that fundamental principles of debt and accounting don't apply wherever the political elite say they don't. But according to this extraordinary article in Der Spiegel, "The commission calculated the outstanding German 'debt' to the Greek central bank and came to a total sum of $12.8 billion as of December 2014."

Germany, in other words, owes Greece $12.8 billion on a debt dating back to the era of Adolf Hitler. Greece is now demanding repayment of this debt as an implied condition of it staying in the European Union. $12.8 billion isn't pocket change. Not even for Germany. And the willingness of the German people to keep funneling money to Greece is rapidly eroding.

Beyond that, there's also the issue of a few hundred million dollars worth of gold stolen by the Third Reich. As Der Spiegel reports:

Karakousis spent five months reading 50,000 pages of original documents from the central bank's archives. It wasn't easy reading. The study calculates right down to the gram the amount of gold plundered from private households, especially those of Greek Jews: 7,358.0014 kilograms of pure gold with an equivalent value today of around [$250 million].

It seems the Greeks want their gold back... or at least a currency equivalent of all the gold that was stolen from them. And now this has become an issue with huge implications for the future of the world.

Why does any of this matter, you say?

A collapse of the European Union would catastrophically destabilize all of Europe

What most Americans don't realize is that Europeans have very long memories of crimes against their people. These memories are passed down from generation to generation and can't simply be greenwashed out of the history books.

The European Union was formed on the hope and assumption that people from an incredibly diverse array of cultural backgrounds might forgive the past and surrender to cultural homogenization as "Europeans." But the hope turned out to be false. The people of Greece in 2015 still remember the crimes of Nazi Germany from 1943, even long after they have been officially absorbed into the European Union. And now that memory may very well result in the shattering of the European Union itself.

If the European Union crumbles, Europe will see a wave of regional wars breaking out over so-called "borderlands" and strategic nations like Ukraine. The fall of the European Union, in fact, would likely embolden Russia to be even more assertive in the Ukraine as it attempts to defend itself from America's ever-encroaching military bases which now occupy most of Russia's border states. (Why did Putin put his country so darn close to all our military bases? Geesh...)

Russia, you see, must maintain strategic control over these border states in order to export its primary resource: energy. Germany, meanwhile, must maintain strong economic ties with wealthy nations that can afford to import Germany's high cost value added exports -- the backbone of the German economy. A shattering of the European Union would destabilize both Germany and Russia for these two reasons (exports of energy and exports of manufactured goods), reigniting the same sort of fears and insecurities that drove the German invasion of Russia in World War II. That invasion was a strategic move to occupy Stalingrad not for the city itself, but because the city was a gateway to the enormous energy and strategic resources of Mother Russia, which Hitler needed to fuel his thirsty war machine.

NATO and Germany are militarily weak

Today, Germany has no military to speak of. Russia, on the other hand, is re-emerging as a very powerful military force with considerable leverage throughout Western Europe due to its energy pipelines. NATO, meanwhile, exists in name only and is primarily backed by the threat of military force from America, a nation bogged down in endless (and pointless) military action in the Middle East.

While America was defusing roadside bombs in Afghanistan, Russia was busy occupying the "strategic high ground" of the North Pole, as described in this article by Dave Hodges. This places Russia in a position where it can credibly threaten all of Western Europe and North America with nuclear strikes (if it ever comes to that).

Russia, too, is populated by strong, rugged, durable people who are used to surviving with little in the way of material goods. They can endure war far more readily than wealthy, pampered nations like America or the UK. As a matter of record, young Americans are now so obese that even the U.S. military must reject almost a quarter of all applicants due to excessive body weight.

Economic warfare will likely precede military warfare

On the economic side, Russia has joined forces with China to erect its own alternative to the SWIFT inter-bank money transfer system. China has been accumulating a massive amount of gold reserves to back its currency, while Russia has been selling off the U.S. dollar and bypassing western sanctions in creative ways by selling energy in exchange for physical gold.

The dollar itself is headed for a global collapse for the simple reason that it isn't backed by anything other than (dwindling) faith. President Nixon removed the gold backing of the dollar in 1971, and ever since, America has been headed toward a day of reckoning where the dollar would eventually collapse as all fiat currencies do. Faith in the dollar is eroding by the day as the Fed keeps printing more money, diluting the existing money supply and silently stealing wealth from those people foolish enough to still be holding dollars when the music stops (i.e. all U.S. wage earners and taxpayers). Fort Knox, meanwhile, isn't filled with gold but rather IOUs. Most of the physical gold has been quietly but diligently accumulated by China over the last two decades.

The stage is now set for a global economic war aimed at America and the dollar hegemony

I'm barely touching the highlights of the global dynamics at play here, but what's really taking shape is a global economic and military war, waged by China and Russia against the Western powers of the United States, NATO, the European Union and Germany in particular. Greece now plays the role of the lynchpin in all this, as its exit from the European Union could loosen the knot that unravels the empire of debt upon which Western nations are now based. An economic implosion leads to systemic weakness which invites more aggressive economic warfare actions on the part of Russia and China.

If a combined economic action by Russia and China were to take place -- for example, China announcing a fire sale of U.S. debt while Russia cuts off energy supplies to Western Europe -- the economic implications for Europe and America would be beyond catastrophic. They might be terminal. We would see the U.S. government, for example, instantly unable to sell any new debt to foreign nations. The only option is to print more money to finance the debt -- a form of economic suicide -- and with the loss of the dollar's global currency reserve status, this would lead very quickly to accelerating money debasement and price hyperinflation in consumer goods. Think Venezuela: price controls, biometric scanning requirements to purchase groceries. Armed guards at grocery stores. Food shortages, street riots, etc.

It wouldn't be long before the U.S. government would be forced to stop funding entitlement programs such as EBT cards and pensions. This would almost immediately lead to massive riots in the streets and the wholesale destruction of large cities such as St. Louis and Chicago. From here, it gets even uglier with declarations of Martial Law, the suspension of the Bill of Rights, and the military occupation of America's cities in order to maintain order.

The problem with all entitlement-based Western nations (including America) is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money. When that day of reckoning comes, the population that has come to depend on entitlements for day-to-day existence finds itself abandoned by the very government that promised to take care of them. Chaos ensues.

This all explains why Germany and the United States are desperate to prevent the breakup of the European Union and the continued illusion of economic stability. As Germany is now discovering to its horror, the problem with debt is that sooner or later you have to repay it. But all the Western governments of the world have accrued far more debt than they can ever repay, and the collapse of the European Union would savagely reveal those debts.

If there's one thing America, the UK and the European Union cannot handle right now, it's debt transparency. The day the truth about debt and spending becomes widely acknowledged, faith in the dollar collapses and the world nosedives into a tailspin. Watch Greece carefully, for your own future depends strongly on what happens there.



Switzerland, Luxembourg apply for China-led infrastructure bank

Published time: March 21, 2015 16:03

Despite negative noises from the US, Switzerland and Luxembourg have become the latest European nations to apply to join the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Chinese Finance Ministry announced.

Earlier in March, the EU’s leading economies – the UK, France and Germany –announced plans to participate in the new international financial institution.

China's Finance Ministry released a statement on Friday saying it welcomes the Swiss decision to apply.

Switzerland is to become the bank’s founding member later this month if other nation members involved approve its candidacy.

The ministry released a separate statement on March 20, saying Luxembourg also wants to join the China-led project.

The AIIB has already gathered together 27 "prospective" founding members, Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei told the local Xinhua news agency.

The application deadline for membership is March 31, with China planning for the AIIB to become operational before the end of 2015.

According to Lou, other nations will still be able to join the AIIB after the deadline expires, but only as common members.

The institution is expected to boast an initial subscribed capital of $50 billion and focus on supporting infrastructure projects across Asia.

Head of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Angel Gurria, praised the European states for their participation in the bank.

"The fact that some of the European countries are now associating with the project makes me even more convinced that it is going to be run in a very professional, transparent way," Gurria is cited as saying by AFP.

However, US officials have been skeptical, expressing fears that it may undermine the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

US Treasury Secretary, Jacob Lew, stressed Washington has doubts if the China-led bank will be able to “adhere to the kind of high standards that the international financial institutions have developed.”

"Will it protect the rights of workers, the environment, will it deal with corruption issues appropriately?" Lew asked.

But the Chinese finance minister gave an assurance that the AIIB will not compete with existing international organizations.

"History revisited, the establishment of regional investment banks including the ADB (Asian Development Bank) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development did not weaken established (institutions), rather they reinforced the multilateral financial organizations and more vigorously pushed forward the global economy," Lou stressed.

According to the minister, China will remain an important member of the World Bank and the ADB, continuing to support their efforts towards global poverty relief and development.



Windows 10 Will Log You In Using Your Biometric Data

MAR 18, 2015

Are you looking forward to Windows 10? Many people are thanks to the resounding disappointment Windows 8 seemed to be with the masses. The last Windows version I used was 7, and I have to say I thought it ran smoothly and I don’t remember any problems with it. Windows 10 is making some big changes, however, starting with the way you login to the computer in the first place. Forget passwords – Windows 10 will apparently let you login with a scan of your face. In other words, it will use biometric data to unlock your computer. Apart from a scan of your whole face, it will also reportedly allow you to login with a retinal scan as well as a read of your fingerprint(s). This feature will be known as Windows Hello.

Microsoft is doing this due to the ease with which passwords are hacked, and while no system is completely foolproof, this move certainly seems to be a step in the right direction.

I currently use a Macbook, and without the KeyChain feature, I’m not sure what I’d do about all of the passwords I have; it really is unfortunate we are now so dependent upon passwords that things could really get messed up if we forget one of them.

Apart from the biometric data feature, Cortana will also be available as a digital assistant.

The release date of Windows 10 is still unknown, but hopefully it’ll be sometime this year. Are you excited for the new operating system?


Zero Hedge

In Italy, They're Now Taxing Shadows

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/20/2015 20:30 -0400

As Greece struggles to convince the world it’s serious about adopting a series of reforms designed to bolster its economy including cracking down on rampant tax evasion, the Syriza government may want to look to Italy for creative ideas on how to boost government revenue. As Italian newspaper Leggo reports, store owners in Conegliano are now faced with the unfortunate (albeit comically absurd) proposition of paying taxes on shadows.

The rationale appears to go something like this: an awning casts a shadow on public property and therefore you must pay to use that property.

CONEGLIANO - is another incoming wave of taxes for merchants Conegliano that this time they have to pay the tax "on the shadow."

At first glance it might seem a joke, but it's one of those imposts hidden (but then not so) in the folds of the Italian rules. If a store or a bar has an awning outside the shadowing on public property, must pay a fee that is part of the public land use, tax on employment of public land. While employment is obviously only virtual. "It's absurd - says Mathias Doimo, owner of the grocery store" La Dispensa "via Vital -. We will pay for this too, but not really talk about it. It's a shame.

Mathias, 31, has taken over the shop in 2008. Outside, to protect the window from the sun so that the foodstuffs are not directly exposed to light, has installed a curtain of four square meters. A few days ago he received from Abaco, the company that manages the tax on behalf of the City, the payment request. The tax is charged at EUR 8.40 per square meter and the fee is calculated based on the area of ??the tent. In his case the tent is 4 square meters, and has to pay 33.6 euro that comes with various rounding to 34 euro.

The best thing about this policy (if you’re the government) is that taken to its logical extreme, you could charge everyone a fee on sunny days as unless you’re a vampire, you probably are using public land by casting a shadow. We would also note that this gives new meaning to the term "shadow banking."



A power nap of just 45 minutes can boost the memory five-fold, according to new research

  • Study finds a nap of 45-60 minutes 'significantly' improves recall

  • Nap 'produces a five-fold improvement in information retrieval'


PUBLISHED: 14:43 EST, 22 March 2015 | UPDATED: 20:00 EST, 22 March 2015

A power nap of just 45 minutes can boost memory by five times, research has found.

A short doze helps you to retain information you have learned and 'significantly' improves recall, scientists said – meaning naps really could help students revising for exams.

Participants in the study learned 90 single words and 120 unconnected word pairs such as 'milk taxi'.

Happy napping: A 45-minute nap helps you to retain information you have learned and 'significantly' improves recall, scientists said – meaning naps really could help students revising for exams

Some then watched a DVD while others slept.

When they were then retested, those who had slept remembered more word pairs, the journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory reports.

The scientists, from Saarland University in Germany, said that during sleep, bursts of brain activity known as sleep spindles play an important role in consolidating newly learned information.

Professor Axel Mecklinger said a nap of just 45 minutes to an hour 'produces a five-fold improvement in information retrieval from memory'

'The memory performance of the participants who had a power nap was just as good as it was before sleeping, that is, immediately after completing the learning phase.

'Strictly speaking, memory performance did not improve in the nap group relative to the levels measured immediately after the learning phase, but they did remain constant.'

'A short nap at the office or in school is enough to significantly improve learning success. Wherever people are in a learning environment, we should think seriously about the positive effects of sleep,' says Axel Mecklinger.

'Enhancing information recall through sleeping doesn't require us to stuff bulky tomes under our pillow. 'A concentrated period of learning followed by a short relaxing sleep is all that's needed.'


Until next week...keep on believing.
Almondtree Productions

I will both lie down in peace and sleep: for thou, Lord, only hast caused me to dwell securely.”
(Psalm 4:8)